Culpeper Star-Exponent from Culpeper, Virginia (2024)

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Culpeper Star-Exponenti

Culpeper, Virginia

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A 'i' i (Y hi I $100 poncni flAR IN A YEAR IN i'ANCE 444111 1 ESTABLISHED IN 1881 BY JAMES GREEN SLEIGH GREEN RUUS ROBERTS Genl Mgr CULPEPER VIRGINIA RIDAY MORNING JANUARY 5 EIGHT PAGES NO 38 5 IN GQLD WILL BE GIVEN AWAY NEXT WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10TH mit He cannot even wider fields board before 54 provisions of 50 OHIO TO th: Ion st a certificate of this grade IL Common necessary an appro until the payment payment payment payment payment payment payment payment payment payment payment of of of of of of of of of of of OL BOARD BLOW TO pastt in AN UNLATTERING VIEW A UNITED STATES SENATOR and laid here 1916 Negroes and our Whites Tus keegee Institute Reports nt pt bn lie ce bd Id the contest: Votes Votes (Votes Votes Votes Votes Votes Votes Votes Votes Votes Durant Tax Case Will Be Appealed Association Asks for Appropriation of $109 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 $1000 Governor Willis Recommends Elim ination of Useless Offices 3600 5600 8000 12000 16000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 50000 MR AND MRS CLARK GIVE DELIGHTUL DANCE Bostonian ails to on Charges of Called Ass in Senate Mr and Mrs Clifford Clark de lightfully entertained a few friends at dancing at their lovely home near town on last riday evening Those present were Misses Mildred Bonay Lucy Roberts Lucile Nelson Eliza beth Strother Maude Hart of Minne sota Messrs Henry Strother Ken sey Hammond Rufus Roberts Mr and Mrs A Green Mr and Mrs Robert Scott Mr and Mrs Mercer Jones and Mr and Mrs Wilbur Chapman Punch was served between the dances and during an intermis sion a buffet supper was served THOMAS LAWSON EXPOSE IZZLES victims were negroes persons and included in the record are three negro women' Sixty seven persons were lynched in 1915 13 of whom were white men In a statement presenting the re port Robert Moton president of the institute said: or more than one fourth of the total lynchings occurred in the State of Georgia Of those put to death 42 or 77 per cent of the total were charged with offenses other than assault The charges for which whites were lynched were: Murder 3 suspected of cutting a woman 1 (this was a Mexican) charge for which negroes were put to death were: Attempted assault 9 killing officers of the law 10 murder 7 hog stealing and as sisting another person to escape 6 wounding officer of the law 4 as sault 3 and insult 2 each of the following offenses persons were put to death: Slapping boy robbing store brushing against girl on street robbing store assisting his son accused of assault to escape entering a house for robbery or some other purpose her son who in defense of his mother killed a man fatally wounding a man with whom he had quarreled speaking BRADSTREETS TELL WONDERUL 1916 The appearance of what seems to be a straggling nondescript of armed vessels some of them said to be dis guised reported by incoming vessels indicates another step in the program of defense against submarines which was one of the principal issues on which the Lloyd George government came into power Strict secrecy as to sailings the transfer of'vessels as fast as they are armed beyond the American standard to Canadian ports and the policing of the approaches to Halifax in the same fashion as the British coast appear to be the main reitures of this response to the appearance of the 53 on our shores It is evidently believed that when the winter storms are over other subma rines will be sent on a like errand and the Admiralty is getting ready It is not surprising that German offi circles in Washington are said to have been in the report that liners were tb be trans ferred to Halifax it may involve in Berlin the revision of some carefully iaid Springfield Republican Columbus Ohio January 4 In his message to the Eighty second Ohio General Assembly which convened Monday Governor Willis the retiring Governor recommended immediate investigation bf the high cost of liv ing in Ohio and as an aid to the solution of this problem suggested the establishment of a State Bureau of Markets under the administration of the State Board of Agriculture Such a bureau the Governor sug gested would be a permanent bureau for the prompt investigation of ab normal prices Recommending abolishment of use less offices and sinecures Governor Willis said: brief experience as a State official has convinced me that Ohio is over officered and over in spected and that the people and bus iness of Ohio are being inspected to Governor recommended more' funds for the care of the wards in State institutions MEETING BOARD SUPERVISORS $5 TO CITY CANDIDATES $5 TO COUNTY CANDIDATES $5 OR GENERAL COMPETITION IMPROVEMENTS ON THE WAVERLEY COMPLETED troublesome stocks finally market for foreign securities but in we definitely secured title to our po sition as a creditor nation loaned freely to the entire world and de spite hitherto unequaled purchases by us of belligerent securities (be came possessed of gold imports in a volume such as was never seen be fore To the spur of foreign war de mands represented by unprecedented demands for raw materials to feed our industrial machinery and general merchandise sold abroad was added a new and record breaking volume of imports largely of raw materials to feed our industrial machinery while at the same time purely domestic trade grew beyond the most san guine dreams of our merchants and manufacturers Quieted Down in Midyear A quieting down in midyear with attendant free predictions of the ter mination of war demand merely acted as a 'breathing spell before new and still larger demands were again met in the autumn and early winter enough cars labor or was a common description of trade and industry throughout many months Even toward the close of the year when nearly all lines were booked for nine months ahead and some iron and steel lines were sold well into 1918 when prices of com modities after rising to new heights had broken badly due largely to peace talk being injected into the situation there were but few signs of a let up in active buying or indi cations that the conservatism so long preached was really acting as a brake upon extraordinary purchasing Nineteen hundred and sixteen was a wonderful year but that character ization does only partial justice to this latest and greatest twelve months in the history is review of the 1916 rec ord of unprecedented prosperity It was said of 1915 that adjectives were lacking fitly to portray that progress So it may be said of 1916 in turn that comparatives fail to describe the repeated examples of high records set up in nearly all lines of trade and industry only to be displaced in turn and relegated to the rear by new and hitherto unheard of totals of indus trial production and trade volume of bank clearings and building expendi ture of transportation earnings on land and on water of exports and im port trade in merchandise in gold and silver of mineral output and ship construction of prices of all com modities and of high levels of wages paid in most industries and of divi dends paid by enterprises of all kinds I Many Records Broken It would be far easier in fact to single out the lines that did" not break records than to attempt to enu merate the vast mulittude of direc tions in which trade expanded indus try set up new milestones of prog ress and finance sought of exploitation In 1915 the bogy of liquidation of our own bonds held abroad was and we began to offer a Unprecedented Record of Trading and Prosperity Reviewed by inancial Agency $15 in Gold Goes Wednesday When The Exponent extended the contest a few days it also an nounced that $15 in Gold would be awarded in addition to the $30 already given away We now announce the conditions under which this additional $15 will be given $5 to City Candidates $5 in Gold will be given to the candidate residing in Culpeper that turns in the greatest amount of cash subscription business be tween January 2nd 6 and January 10th (next Wednesday) at 6 $5 to Go Outside of City $5 in Gold will be given to the candidate residing outside of Cul peper that turns in tile greatest amount of cash subscription business between January 2nd 6 and January 10th (next Wednesday) at 6 In the public mind Penrose every where represents reaction and special privilege and political evil in all its manifold forms He was one of the three men who did most to wreck the xvepuoncan party ana In state and national affairs he has i Been tne most prominent representa tive of the unprogressive unhumane 'and anti social policies of the ible He and Oliver made themselves and the state odiously conspicuous by casting the 1 only two votes from Northern Sen ators against the ederal Child La bor law and child labor is one of the 1 leading issues in the Speakership fight Philadelphia North American Washington January 4 Two con ferences Tuesday between Thomas Lawson and Representative Hen ry chairman of the House Rules Committee resulted irt an announce ment by Mr Henry that the Boston financier had been unable to furnish any names or other definite informa tion about the alleged leak ad vanbe of President peace note and that so far as he was con cerned the matter would be dropped no sensible said Mr statement ask me to trouble the committee with a meeting to chase a mirage And I must say that as far as this matter between Mr Lawson and myself is concerned it is ended Unable to'Give Names a thorough conference the al leged leak has been discussed by Mr Lawson and myself I have asked him for the names of those thought to be responsible for the so called leak between the State Department and Wall street give me single name He cannot even give me the names of those charged by him with cleaning up six ty millions of dollars in connection with the leak and is not able to fur nish me the name of even one of the Mr charges gained fur ther official attention Tuesday when Senator Stone Democrat spoke on the subject In the Senate Senator Stone rose to a question of personal privilege He said that confidential communications concerning the honor of the nation had fallen into improper hands but said he had no informa tion as to whether a occurred as recently reported If so he be lieved it would be tracable to de partmental employees it be true that any public offi cial has or did use any secret of con fidential information as said Senator Stone is an un speakable scoundrel If any man in legislative life if any Senator did it which I believe to be absolutely impossible he ought to be dismissed from his office or this body Confidence Betrayed do Senator Stone con tinued things have occurred in the departments which ought not to be possible I know that confidential communications with foreign gov ernments to the State Department have by some means found their way into hands of men not authorized to receive them These did not concern stock market speculation but did concern the honor of the nation How this has happened I do not know but it could have happened only through the instrumentality of employees I fear that this betrayal of public con fidence is in some way traceable to our civil Senator Stone then denounced Lawson for his recent declaration that members of Congress would shrink from an investigation into stock market despise' these sensational fakirs who are alwflyalking about public bodies and public hfeut he said "I am sorry that the nbsapers should take up the bellowing of this Upon leaving Mr office Lawson declared that he had given enough information to warrant any man in proceeding with an investigation of the entire stock exchange After his conference with Lawson Representative Henry reintroduced his bill of two years ago to prevent the use of mails telegraph and tele phone in furtherance of fraudulent and harmful transactions on stock exchange The bill was referred to committee The repair work which has been going on for some months at The Waverley Hotel was recently com pleted and the hotel is in a first class condition Among many other im provements all of the rooms have running water and several have pri vate baths orty five telephones are being installed this week The lobby and parlors were com pleted some time ago and are a great improvement to the entrance of the hotel rents from Party Con tn Division Superintends Appointments Barred lond Va January 4 Cc jnty politicians who have in iken an immediate intere drennial appointment of berintendents of schoolsieir activities heavily under the new order pro 711 HU if) at li aw re lol In ne At a meeting of the Board of Su pervisors for Culpeper county held at the Court House on Monday at which all of the members were pres ent the following business was trans acted The following physicians to the poor were appointed for the year end ing December 31st 1917 to attend the sick paupers of the several dis tricts and at the county poor farm and are required to attend all cases that are upon the poor list and to aldo attend any case that the over seer of the member of the Board of Supervisors of each dis trict may ask them to give attend ance including patients in jail: Dr 'Chelf Catalpa district Dr Thompson 'Stevensburg district Dr? Boldridge Salem district Dr Campbell Jefferson dis trict Dr Granville Ehstham Cedar Mountain district Dr Strother county poor farm The Association of the county asked the Board for priation of $100 for the fair This was laid over next meeting The Attorney for the wealth is directed to take steps to appeal the case of Durant vs Tinsley and others decided by the Circuit Court of the City of Rich mond in favor of the plaintiff Attorney for the Common wealth was authorized and directed to apply for a writ of prohibition re straining Coons and Jhe Judge of the Circuit Court of Culpeper coun ty from prosecuting (the action brought by Coon to recover compensation for general indexing of the county records andmir apply for a mandamus to compelwW Coons County Clerk to continile the general indexing of such records in the index system $5 All Compete or $5 in Gold will be given the candidate regardless of where he or she lives that turns in the greatest amount of cash on old subscrip tion business between January 2nd 6 and January 10th (next Wednesday) at 6 CANDIDATES ARE PERMITTED TO GET THEIR SUB SCRIPTIONS ANYWHERE THIS IS THE LAST SPECIAL PRIZE MONEY TO BE AWARDED The Vote Schedule The following is the voting schedule for the balance of On On On On On On On On On On On No extra votes of any sort will be allowed and the above vote schedule will be rigidly adhered to the Worst Is Yet to You remember the that used to run in the paper where something was always happening to somebody in the picture and a guy stood just around the corner with a and announced worst is yet to Well some of the candidates think theyhave these prizes but the awakening will come for them on the 17th of this month for the worker that WORKS still has a show of winning the ord Auto for the race IS CLOSE and the loafer will find that worst is yet to if they work and that would be a dose trimming by the real worker that WORKS RIGHT UP TO THE INISH We Cut Off a Lot Every subscriber whose time expired prior to January 1st has been dropped from our mailing list A lot of folks that were dropped for not paying will be glad to pay up arrearages and renew for a year in advance while they can still get the BEST PAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY IN VIRGINIA at the $1 rate so see them TODAY After January 17th The Exponent will be $150 a year to EVERYBODY when their time expires so if YOUR TIME EXPIRES ANY WAYS SOON better come across with that $1 NOW and SAVE MONEY for the next time you wish to renew it will be $150 The contest is close SO LET EVERY CANDIDATE AND THEIR RIENDS DO THEIR BEST and DO IT NOW Race is Close the Worst Is Yet to The Who Loafs on the Home Stretch Will ind Out What That Is on January Contest Ends January 17th 2 ATER JANUARY 17th The Exponent Will Be $150 the So RENEW AND DO IT NOW he following minimum qualifi a I or the position of division jtendents of schools are hen ribed he applicant shall meet the qt ons as set forth in one of he nng subsections numbered fi lo four I The applicant must show t) blds or (has held a at least the equivalent of grade certificate and must si that he has had at least till experience as teacher or scnJvisor or principal within the i immediately preceding lencement of the term of offi zhich he applies or The applicant must show tl successfully completed at leu of college work within immediately preceding 11 encement of the term of off! hich he applies in a reeognin or normal school and' tl ourse which' he has campled ced at least three hours of ed per week throughout each i Ji The applicant must show louse of Delegates who felt him iggrieved by the old practice! in 1 iced the bill which has brought iew order plicants for the position ofldi a superintendent of schools ihe order just entered are sed to file their applications ons furnished by the Department hiblic Instruction and sqnd a of their applications to each oer of the school nary 1 1917 rsuant also to the Valentine act the board hid na schedule of minimum qualifi es will be furnished 11 Tuskeegee Ala January 4 ifty four persons were lynched in the United States during 1916 according to records of Tuskegee Institute here! 2 Oklahoma 4 South Carolina 2 made public Monday ifty of the Tennessee 3 and Texas 9 i ana lour wnite AGAINST SUBMARINES Various Indications That Great Brit ain Is Working Hard on Thia Problem will dis nul uca Ilaring that will not jcon iorsem*nts from party t0111' nor does it desire indorse rom those who have no per owledge of the fitness othe rder regarded as highly politically was approved by at its meeting on Thursday carries into effect the the Valentine act passed by General Assembly the gen pos of which was to take the tient of division superintend of politics i division Superintendents of 10 of tlfem will be appointed for neiv four year terms be July 1 1917 In past years ve been about 500 applicants 103 places The State Board ation under the old law it chose to do so delay ap it until July 1 or after In instances appointments were until after the State pri msing the charge to be made Ltics was not without its part elay ect our Months Before Pri mary ew law requires the board to 'all division superintendents fore April 1 1917 and every irs thereafter In case there lure to appoint by thisdate ncumbent is to be declared re for a new term of four years is an for the position this scheme all division super of schools will be secure tir 'position four months before State (primary The three e)ec nembers of the State Boar4 of stion are chosen at this primary i( criticism was frequently: madeunder: the old law applicants he office of division superin eit could be kept on the grilC by chool board until their politics the test A member of (the he is a full graduate of a standard college the degree having been con ferred within ten years immediately preceding the commencement of the term of office for which he applies or The applicant must show that he has served as division superin tendent of schools in this State pro vided that in case the applicant is not filling the office of division super intendent at the date of his applica tion he must meet the requirements as laid down in section 1 2 or 3 of regulation (board may at its discretion ws ive that part of the qualifications se out in subsection No 1 requiring applicants to hold or to have th applicants to hold or to have he a license equal to afir st grade certificate whenever the bo ird shall be of the opinion that the applicant has such training and ex pe rience as would entitle him to hold rule! POLITICS The qualifications fur political activity by sft 'nite' education standards dich applicants must rise rega tf the character of their indoi mum Requirements Schedu id by Board le board entered the follow ig PERSONS LYNCHED IN 1916 against mob in act of putting a man to death attacking a man and wife with club occurred in the follow ing states: Alabama 1 Arkansas 4 lorida 8 Georgia 14 Kansas 1 Kentucky 2 Louisiana 2 Mississ ippi 1 Missouri 1 North Carolina I ll A I 1 i ''A IH I I 'll I i I fl 4 I lirMI i it a it 1 lu 1 i 1 i I Lk l2 I I 4 i a i i i i i iiui i 9 sa.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.