DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (2024)

DM NVX® AV-over-IP

Content distribution for everycaptivating detail and every possible destination.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (1)

Communication that reaches further. In real-time.

The awe of flawless video, the thrill of lag-free gaming, the instantresponse of security operations — anything is possible, anywhere DMNVX® AV-over-IP technology is present.

Content needs to be of the highest quality, whether you’re displayingit, sharing it, or interacting with it. DM NVX technology brings itall together, distributing real-time lossless audio and video, USBsignals, and device control to thousands of destinations. Atuncompromising quality over your existing network. Built to thehighest levels of security. With down-to-the-second content delivery— in the room, across the hall, or around the globe.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (2)

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (3)

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (4)

Bring limitless possibilities to endless endpoints

Digital signage at a company HQ. A video wall at a securityoperations center. In-person and hybrid active-learning centers. Onenetworked AV solution unites different organizations, designs, andinfrastructures — DM NVX AV-over-IP.

DM NVX AV-over-IP is always rolling out new features and improvementsso that anywhere your network can go, the highest-quality contentwill follow. With flexibility in mind, DM NVX technology offers bothhardware- and software-based deployment. Plus, with supremescalability and exceptional results over standard 1GB networks, iteasily evolves alongside modern communication — and makes therouting, distribution, and management of content easier for anyoperation.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (5)

High-quality 4K video

Engaging experiences rely on sharp, clear details — and DM NVXAV-over-IP image integrity leaves nothing to the imagination.Visually stunning, next-generation video resolution drivesproductivity and profitability across entertainment, education,medical, and business applications.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (6)

Seamless AV signal distribution

From pitch to pixels, DM NVX AV-over-IP has no lag, no latency, andno comparison. Instant, seamless, and highly interactive contentdistribution and lossless compression bring crystal clarity topresentations, branding, and other communications.

Choose the right technology for you

Explore flexible solutions for your specific needs — including manyreliable, high‑performance AV-over-IP encoder/decoders that eachflawlessly send and receive content over the network, in real time.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (7)

DM NVX 10 Series

Transmit and receive video with resolutions up to1080p 4:4:4 and support HDCP 1.4.

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DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (8)

DM NVX 20 Series

Transmit and receive video with resolutions up to4K60 4:2:0 and support HDCP 2.3.

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DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (9)

DM NVX 30 Series

Transmit and receive video with resolutions up to4K60 4:4:4. Support HDR and HDCP 2.3. Additional form factorsand connectivity, such as USB.

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DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (10)

DM NVX software

Get the best of both worlds: the power of DM NVXhardware andtheflexibility of software. IT-friendly DM NVX software gives youdeployable, software-based AV-over IP encoding or decoding(switchable), plus seamless 4K video streaming using an existing PCor server. Paired with DM NVX hardware endpoints, it’s the perfecthybrid solution.

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The Crestron Advantage

Crestron is the leader in AV distribution across enterprise, medical,government, education, and esports industries — and DM NVXtechnology puts it all on display. After hundreds of updates,dynamic proprietary technology, and exclusive securitycertifications, DM NVX technology continues to bring thehighest-quality content anywhere your network goes, throughout yourentire organization — today and long into the future.

High-quality content to a higher number of spaces

From mission-critical HQs to collaboration-friendly hotspots, DM NVXtechnology is easily deployed to a wide range of applications in theworkplace, world of education, entertainment, medicine, and thepublic sector.

Active-learning centers

Learning labs where inspiration takes many forms — all ofthem with extreme clarity. Simulation centers that offerrealistic simulations through the highest resolutions.Competitive esports arenas where the gameplay heightenswith dynamic sound and low latency broadcasts.Extraordinary environments begin with DM NVX endpoints.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (16)

Command and control

Landing the rover on Mars. Ensuring digital security forglobal clients. Mission-critical endeavors demandlossless audio, zero-lag video, and complete claritydown to the last detail. DM NVX technology meets thechallenge — immediately and decisively.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (17)

Hybrid meeting spaces

Enrich presentations with rich content that displaysperfectly to everyone, everywhere. Make data easier toread from the first cell of the spreadsheet to the lastrow in the room. DM NVX technology makes high-levelhybrid experiences more meaningful — no matter whereyou’re working, learning, or collaborating.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (18)

The standards you use.
The interoperability you want.

By supporting a broad range of leading video and audio standards, DM NVX ensures interoperability with a complete range of AV systems.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (19)
DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (20)

High-efficiency audio

From video to presentations to esports, DM NVX AV-over-IP, pairedwith Crestron’s robust DM NAX® network audio technology, treatsevery user to an immediate, accurate listening experience. Route anyaudio signal on the network for infinite flexibility.

DM NAX® Audio-over-IP

Powerful network audio distribution built on the DM NVX® platform

Productive presentations in boardrooms and lecture halls. Cozy music inbars or restaurants. Massive audio systems distributed across an entirecampus. DM NAX technology brings high-performance audio with real-timeresponse to all your people, places, and endpoints.

Whatever your application, DM NAX technology provides unmatchedflexibility, scalablity, and interoperability in an end-to-end solutionthat extends the reach of your audio with ease.

From Bluetooth® communications to USB connections,traditional analog to XLR inputs,these versatile network audio endpoints give youmore ways to get any audio sourceanywhere.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (21)

DM NAX® Wall Plate with Bluetooth®communications


Add Bluetooth® communication toany DMNAX audio network.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (22)

DMNAX® Audio-over-IP Wall Plate with XLR


Add XLR connections to anyDMNAX audio network.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (23)

DM NAX® Audio-over-IP Converter


Bridge traditional analog mediasources into your audio network.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (24)

DM NAX® Audio-over-IP Converter withUSB-C®connectivity


Add PC or mobile device audio toyour network via USB.


Amplify and extend the reach of your audio withmulti-zone, multi-channel, and onboard streamingservices.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (25)

DM NAX™ 4-Zone Streaming Preamplifier


Easily put multiroom audiodistribution on the network with built-instreaming services and media player accessfor each zone.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (26)

DM NAX™ Audio-over-IP Network Encoder


Maximize the sources on yourmultiroom distributed audio networkwith this 16-stereo-input encoder.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (27)

DM NAX™ X-Series Flexible Output Amplifier


A high performance, spacesaving, energy efficient, professionalgrade Audio‑over‑IP amplifier.


Easily bring any source onto your DM NAX network withthe onramp powerhouse surround soundencoder/decoder.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (28)

DM NAX® 8K Smart Display Controller and NetworkAudio Encoder/Decoder


An 8K display controller withHDMI input and passthrough, eARC support,and DM NAX® audio-over-IP encoder anddecoder functionality.


Custom-build your atmosphere ​with built-in mediastreaming services

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (29)

DM NAX® 4+1 Zone Streaming Amplifier


Gallium Nitride (GaN) Class Dtechnology. Higher power output per channelin a half-width 1RU space. Convenientbuilt-in streaming services and media playeraccess for each output zone.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (30)

DM NAX™ 8-Zone Streaming Amplifier


Take multiroom audio evenfurther with our 8-zone Audio-over-IPamplifier that features built-in streamingservices and media player access availablefor each stereo amplified zone.


From Bluetooth® communications to USBconnections, traditional analog to XLRinputs, these versatile network audioendpoints give you more ways to get anyaudio source anywhere.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (31)

DM NAX®Wall Plate with Bluetooth®communications


Add Bluetooth®communication to any DMNAXaudio network.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (32)

DMNAX® Audio-over-IP Wall Platewith XLR


Add XLR connectionsto any DMNAX audio network.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (33)

DMNAX® Audio-over-IP Converter


Bridge traditionalanalog media sources into youraudio network.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (34)

DMNAX® Audio-over-IP ConverterwithUSB-C®connectivity


Add PC or mobiledevice audio to your network viaUSB.


Amplify and extend the reach of youraudio with multi-zone, multi-channel,and onboard streaming services.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (35)

DM NAX™ 4-Zone StreamingPreamplifier


Easily put multiroomaudio distribution on thenetwork with built-instreaming services and mediaplayer access for each zone.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (36)

DM NAX™ Audio-over-IP NetworkEncoder


Maximize the sourceson your multiroom distributedaudio networkwith this 16-stereo-inputencoder.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (37)

DM NAX™ X-Series Flexible OutputAmplifier


A high performance,space saving, energy efficient,professionalgrade Audio‑over‑IP amplifier.


Easily bring any source onto your DM NAXnetwork with the onramp powerhousesurround sound encoder/decoder.

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (38)

DMNAX® 8K Smart Display Controller andNetwork Audio Encoder/Decoder


An 8K displaycontroller with HDMI input andpassthrough, eARC support, andDM NAX® audio-over-IP encoderand decoder functionality.


Custom-build your atmosphere ​withbuilt-in media streaming services

DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (39)

DMNAX® 4+1 Zone Streaming Amplifier


Gallium Nitride(GaN) Class D technology. Higherpower output per channel in ahalf-width 1RU space. Convenientbuilt-in streaming services andmedia player access for eachoutput zone.


DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (40)

DMNAX™ 8-Zone Streaming Amplifier


Take multiroom audioeven further with our 8-zoneAudio-over-IP amplifier thatfeatures built-in streamingservices and media player accessavailable for each stereoamplified zone.


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DM NVX [Crestron Electronics, Inc.] (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.