NOTE: Prior to configuration, ensure that the latest firmware is running on the device. Forinstructions to update the firmware, refer to Updating Firmware.
DM NVX Director network appliances include an integrated web server that provides a web interface for viewing device status and managing DM NVX encoders/decoders in an AV network.
This section provides information about the following:
Accessing the web interface
Navigating the web interface
Saving configuration changes
Viewing status information
Configuring network settings
Configuring device settings
Using the dashboard
Adding a domain
Global domain routing
Modifying a domain
Accessing the Web Interface
The following table lists the supported operating system and corresponding web browsers that can be used to access the web interface.
Supported Operating System and Corresponding Web Browsers
Operating System | Supported Web Browsers |
Windows® operating system | Chrome™ web browser, version 114.0.5735.199 or later Firefox® web browser, version 115.0.2 or later Microsoft Edge® web browser, version 114.0.1823.82 or later |
macOS® operating system | Safari® web browser, version 16.6 or later |
To access the web interface:
Open a web browser.
Go to the IP address of one of the connected Ethernet ports:
NOTE: The Ethernet port that is used to configure the DM NVX Director software must be accessible from the network of the device running the web browser, the network of the associated DM NVX devices, and the network of the control system (if present).
For the DM-NVX-DIR-80 and DM-NVX-DIR-160, RJ-45 Ethernet ports 1-4 provide access to the DM NVX Director software and enable configuration of the software.
By default, DHCP is enabled for ports 1-3, enabling each port to be assigned a different IP address automatically. The IP address of port 4 defaults to a link-local address in the (refer to RFC 3927 for information about link-local addressing).
For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, RJ-45 Ethernet ports 1-6 and SFP+ Ethernet ports 7-12 provide access to the DM NVX Director software and enable configuration of the software.
By default, DHCP is enabled for ports 1-5 and 7-12, enabling each of those ports to be assigned a different IP address automatically. The IP address for port 6 defaults to a link-local address in the range (refer to RFC 3927 for information about link-local addressing).
To find the IP address of any of the connected Ethernet ports, use the Device Discovery Tool in the Crestron Toolbox™ software.
Do either of the following:
If no user account has been created, the Create User page opens. Continue with step 4 to create an account.
If an account has already been created, the Sign-In page opens. Omit step 4 and proceed to step 5.
If no user account has been created, create an account on the Create User page.
Create User Page
To create a user account:
- In the Username text box, enter a username. Theusername is not case sensitive.
- In the Password text box, enter a password using a minimum of 8 characters. The password is case sensitive.
- In the Confirm Password text box, reenter the password for confirmation.
- Click Create User.
The Sign In page opens. Continue with step 5.
Sign In Page
To sign in to the device:
- In the Username text box, enter the username. The username is not case sensitive.
- In the Password text box, enter the password. The password is case sensitive.
- Click Sign In. The web interface opens.
Navigating the Web Interface
After signing in to the web interface, the web interface appears as shown in the sample screen below.
Web Interface (Sample DM-NVX-DIR-ENT Screen Shown)
The web interface provides a navigation bar that consists of a list of links to enable access to embedded web pages. By default, the following items are listed in the navigation bar:
Status (refer to Viewing Status Information)
Network (refer to Configuring Network Settings)
Device (refer to Configuring Device Settings)
Dashboard (refer to Using the Dashboard)
Add Domain (refer to Adding a Domain)
GLOBAL DOMAIN, Routing (refer to Global Domain Routing)
In addition to the navigation bar, an Action menu is provided in the upper-right corner of the web interface.
Action Menu
The Action menu enables configuration changes to be saved (refer to Saving Configuration Changes for information).
The Action menu also enables several device management functions to be performed. Refer to the Management section for the functions available in the Action menu.
Saving Configuration Changes
Depending on the configuration change being made, the change is either saved automatically or must be saved manually. Various changes to configuration settings on the Network, Device, Add Domain, and Endpoint Map pages must be saved manually.
By default, the Action menu provides Save Changes and Revert (undo) menu items that are disabled prior to configuration settings being changed.
Action Menu - Save Changes and Revert Menu Items Disabled
After one or more configuration settings are changed and the changes must be saved manually, the Save Changes menu item is enabled.
Action Menu - Save Changes Menu Item Enabled
Do either of the following:
To save one or more configuration changes, click Save Changes.
To undo the newly entered configuration changes and revert to the previously saved settings, click the drop-down arrow to the right of the Save Changes menu item and then click Revert.
Action Menu - Revert Menu Item Enabled
Viewing Status Information
By default, the Status page is displayed after the web interface is accessed. To access the Status page if it is not displayed, click Status in the navigation bar.
Sample Status Page (DM-NVX-DIR-ENT Shown)
The Status page displays the model name, serial number, firmware version, and hostname of the DM NVX Director network appliance.
Information about each of the Ethernet ports on the device is also displayed:
For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, the Status page displays information about Ethernet ports 1-12 in the Network Adaptor 1-12 sections.
For the DM-NVX-DIR-160 and DM-NVX-DIR-80, the Status page displays information about Ethernet ports 1-4 in the Network Adaptor 1-4 sections.
The Status page also displays information about the control system connection to the DM NVX Director network appliance.
Configuring Network Settings
The Network section of the web interface enables network settings to be configured for Ethernet ports of the device.
For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, RJ-45 Ethernet ports 1-6 and SFP Ethernet ports 7-12 are independent of each other and require different network settings.
For the DM-NVX-DIR-80 and DM-NVX-DIR-160, RJ-45 Ethernet ports 1-4 are independent of each other and require different network settings.
To configure network settings:
In the navigation bar, click Network. The Network page opens.
Sample Network Page (DM-NVX-DIR-ENT Shown)
Refer to the configuration guidelines that follow.
Host Name: In the text box, enter the desired host name to identify the device on the network. The host name is restricted to the letters a to z (not case sensitive), the digits 0 to 9, and the hyphen.
The default host name consists of the model name followed by a hyphen and the MAC address of the device. For example, if the model name is DM‑NVX‑DIR‑ENT and the MAC address is ac.1f.6b.7c.85.16, the default host name is DM‑NVX‑DIR‑ENT‑AC1F6B7C8516.
Date & Time: Configure date and time settings for the device:
Time Synchronization: Set the toggle to the right to enable or to the left to disable time synchronization via Network Time Protocol (NTP).
NTP Source: Select an NTP synchronization source type from among Static Only, DHCP Only, Static First, DHCP First, or None.
Synchronize Now: With Time Synchronization enabled, click Synchronize Now to synchronize the device with the DHCP time server or the primary NTP server entered in the NTP Time Servers table.
DHCP Provided NTP Servers: Populates with NTP servers discovered by the device from the network DHCP server. This field is read-only. Copy the server address and paste it as an entry in the NTP Time Servers table below if desired.
NTP Time Servers: Use the provided table to enter information regarding the NTP server(s) used for time synchronization:
Click +Add to add a new NTP server entry into the table.
Enter the following information for each entry:
Enter the NTP server address into the Address text field.
Enter the NTP server port into the Port text field.
Use the Authentication Method drop-down to select the authentication method used to access the NTP server (if one exists).
If an authentication method is selected, enter the key used to authenticate against the NTP server into the Authentication Key text field.
If an authentication method is selected, enter the ID for the key used to authenticate against the NTP server into the Key ID text field.
To remove an entry, select the checkbox to the left of the table entry, then click ‑Remove.
NOTE: NTP servers are configured in discrete rows of the table. The server configured in the top table row will be the primary server used for time synchronization. The servers configured in the lower rows will be used as secondary servers.
Time Zone: Select a time zone for the device using the drop-down.
Date Format: Select a date format from the drop-down.
Time Format: Select whether the time is displayed in a 12-hour or 24-hour format.
Date: Select the date for the device using the pop-up calendar that is displayed.
Time: Select the time for the device using the pop-up menu that is displayed.
Network Adapters: Configure network settings for Ethernet ports:
For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, configure network settings for Ethernet ports 1-12 in the Network Adapter 1-12 sections.
For the DM-NVX-DIR-160 and DM-NVX-DIR-80, configure network settings for Ethernet ports 1-4 in the Network Adapter 1-4 sections.
Domain Name Suffix: In the text box, enter the appropriate domain name suffix.
Arrangement: Click the appropriate radio button to select the desired method by which the IP address is to be specified for the device:
Obtain an IP address automatically. An IP address is assigned by a DHCP server on the network for a predetermined period of time.
For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, DHCP is enabled by default for Ethernet ports 1-5 and 7-12, enabling each of the ports to be automatically assigned a different IP address.
For the DM-NVX-DIR-80 and DM-NVX-DIR-160, DHCP is enabled by default for Ethernet ports 1-3, enabling each of the ports to be automatically assigned a different IP address.
Obtain a Link-Local IPaddress automatically. The IPv4 address uses a link-local address in the range (refer to RFC 3927 for detailed information about link-local addressing).
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, the IP address of Ethernet port 6 defaults to a link-local address in the range.
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-80 and DM-NVX-DIR-160, the IP address of Ethernet port 4 defaults to a link-local address in the range.
Use the following IPaddress. If a static IP address is desired, enter the IP address and related network information in the corresponding text boxes:
IPv4 Address: Enter a unique static IPv4 address for the DM NVX Director network appliance.
IPv4 Subnet Mask: Enter the IPv4 subnet mask that is set on the network.
IPv4 Default Gateway: Enter the IPv4 IP address that is to be used as the default gateway.
IPv4 DNS Server 1: Enter an IPv4 IPaddress for the primary static DNS server.
IPv4 DNS Server 2: Enter an IPv4 IPaddress for the secondary static DNS server.
In each Network Adapter section, configure the following as required for each Ethernet port:
Configuring Device Settings
To configure device settings:
In the navigation bar, click Device. The Device page opens.
Device Page (DM-NVX-DIR-ENT Shown)
The Device page consists of the following sections:
Control System
Application Management
The Device page provides a Firmware section, which displays the firmware version, model name, and serial number of the DM NVX Director network appliance. The Firmware section also enables display of encryption and authentication certificate information.
To view firmware-related information:
In the navigation bar, click Device and then go to Firmware.
Device Page - Firmware
To view certificate information related to firmware security, click the View Certificates button. The View Update Certificates dialog box opens, displaying encryption and authentication certificate information.
View Updates Certificates Dialog Box
The View Update Certificates dialog box displays the following information:
The Encryption Certificate section displays the following:
Issuer’s Organization (O), which is Crestron Electronics, Inc., and Common Name (CN), which is Crestron Firmware Encryption CA
Subject's Organization (O), which is Crestron Electronics, Inc., and Common Name (CN), which is NVX Director Firmware Encryption Certificate.
The Authentication Certificate section displays the following:
Issuer’s Organization (O), which is Crestron Electronics, Inc., and Common Name (CN), which is Crestron Firmware Signing CA
Subject's Organization (O), which is Crestron Electronics, Inc., and Common Name (CN), which is NVX Director Firmware Signing Certificate.
To close the dialog box, click OK.
The Auto-Discovery section controls whether DM NVX endpoints on the network can automatically be discovered by the DM NVX Director network appliance.
Device Page - Auto-Discovery
To control automatic discovery of DM NVX endpoints, do either of the following:
Set the toggle switch in the On position to enable automatic discovery of the endpoints (default setting).
Set the toggle switch in the Off position to disable automatic discovery of the endpoints.
The MSG LED on the DM NVX Director network appliance is used to identify the location of the device in a rack. When turned on, the LED lights blue.
To turn the MSG LED on or off:
In the navigation bar, click Device and then go to Display.
Device Page - Display
For Unit Identification, do either of the following:
Click the ONbutton to turn on the MSG LED. The LED lights blue.
Click the OFF button to turn off the MSG LED (default setting).
Control System
A single control system, referred to as the Global Control System, can be assigned to all domains simultaneously.
NOTE: The Global Control System will be used as the default control system for all domains unless a different control system is assigned at the domain level. For additional information, refer to Domain Control System.
To assign a Global Control System:
In the navigation bar, click Device and then go to Control System.
Device Page - Control System
Refer to the configuration guidelines that follow.
IPID: In the drop-down list, click the desired IP ID for all domains.
Address: Enter the IP address of the control system.
RoomID: If using Crestron Virtual Control, enter the RoomID.
Status indicates whether the control system is ONLINE or OFFLINE.
Application Management
To change the username and password of the DM NVX Director network appliance:
In the navigation bar, click Device and then go to Application Management.
Device Page - Application Management
Change the username and password as follows:
In the Username text box, enter the desired username. The maximum number of characters is 128. The username is not case sensitive.
In the Password text box, enter the desired password. The minimum number of characters is 8, and the maximum number of characters is 128. The password is case sensitive.
In the Confirm Password text box, reenter the new password for confirmation.
Using the Dashboard
The Dashboard page enables settings management and firmware upgrades for DM NVX endpoints assigned to domains using the DM NVX Director network appliance.
NOTE: The available settings and options for each will depend on the endpoint capabilities.
Dashboard Page
Receivers and receiver placeholders are denoted by RX. Transmitter and transmitter placeholders are denoted by TX. Both are numbered consecutively based on the order in which the receivers, placeholders, and transmitters are added to the domain.
Note the following information about each endpoint listed in the table:
- Name: Indicates the name assigned to the endpoint.
- Device Status: Provides one of the following symbols to indicate the status of a DM NVX endpoint connection to the DM NVX Director network appliance:
: A network connection exists between the endpoint and the DM NVX Director network appliance.
: The device mode (transmitter or receiver) configured on the endpoint is being reconfigured to match the device mode selected when the endpoint was added to the domain.
: No network connection exists between the endpoint and the DM NVX Director network appliance due to reasons such as the following:
The DM NVX Director network appliance cannot access the endpoint with the provided credentials.
The endpoint is not connected to the network.
- (hyphen): The endpoint is a placeholder.
Sorting the List
There are a number of ways to sort the list of connected DMNVX endpoints.
In the drop-down list below the Domain heading, click ALL to view the endpoints in all domains (default setting) or click the desired domain number to view the endpoints within a particular domain. Transmitters, receivers, transmitter placeholders, and receiver placeholders are listed based on the domain number.
To view the endpoints based on the ascending or descending numeric order of the domain, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Domain heading.
Use the Search box or the Device Model drop-down list on the Dashboard page to find specific endpoints. By default, all endpoints corresponding to the desired model or model family appear in the table.
Use the drop-down list below the # heading to filter as follows:
ALL: (Default setting) View transmitters, receivers, transmitter placeholders, and receiver placeholders
Receiver: View receivers and receiver placeholders only
Transmitter: View transmitters and transmitter placeholders only
To view the endpoints based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the designations in the # column, use the scroll arrows to the right of the # heading.
To view the endpoints based on the ascending or descending order of the Device Status symbol, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Device Status heading.
NOTE: The Device Model drop-down list provides a listing of all DM NVX endpoint models and model families (for example, DM-NVX-36x) in the same network as the DM NVX DIR device. If the desired model or a particular endpoint corresponding to that model or model family is not part of a domain, that endpoint will not appear in the dashboard.
To view the endpoints based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the names, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Name heading.
Settings Column
Depending on the endpoint capabilities, the following options may be configurable in the Settings column:
- Discovery TTL
- Image Preview
Control System
These functions are described in the endpoint product manual.
Stream Settings Column
Depending on the endpoint capabilities, the following options may be configurable in the Stream Settings column:
- Stream Type
- Bitrate Type
- Bitrate
- Stream Status
- Stream TTL
These functions are described in the endpoint product manual.
Video Settings Column
Depending on the endpoint capabilities, the following options may be configurable in the Video Settings column:
- Video Source
- Active Video Source
- Video Resolution
- Scaler Resolution
- EDIDInput 1
- EDIDInput 2
- HDCPInput 1
- HDCPInput 2
These functions are described in the endpoint product manual.
Audio Settings Column
Depending on the endpoint capabilities, the following options may be configurable in the Audio Settings column:
- Audio Source
- Active Audio Source
- Audio Status
- NAXTXSource
- NAXTXActive Source
- NAXMode
- Analog Audio
These functions are described in the endpoint product manual.
USB Column
Depending on the endpoint capabilities, the following options may be configurable in the USB column:
- Mode
- Transport
- Multi-device support
These functions are described in the endpoint product manual.
Display Control Column
The Display Control column includes the command interface and power settings for displays connected to each endpoint. Test commands can also be issued to verify control functionality. Configure the following display control settings:
Automatic Power: Select On or Off from the drop-down to set whether automatic power commands are sent to the display.
Command Interface: Select CEC or None from the drop-down. Refer to the display manufacturer's documentation to determine if CEC controls are supported.
Command Types: With a Command Interface other than None selected, click the Setup button to configure and test the power commands that will be issued to the connected display:
Display Control Setup Window
Under Power Off Settings, select a command type from the CEC Commands drop-down. Consult the display manufacturer's documentation to determine whether RCP and SS, RCP Only, or SS Only should be selected. Click the Test button to test the selected power off command.
Under Power On Settings, select a command type from the CEC Commands drop-down. Consult the display manufacturer's documentation to determine whether RCP and IVO, RCP, or Image View On should be selected. Click the Test button to test the selected power on command.
Click Close to close the Display Control Setup window.
Output Timeouts (seconds): Select a time from the drop-down. Several options are available from 5 to 90seconds. This setting determines how long the endpoint will wait to send a power off command after video signal to the display is stopped.
Turn Off Output: Select On from the drop-down to send a Power Off command to the connected display when the Output Timeout elapses.
Firmware Column
The Firmware column displays information about the current firmware version. The firmware can be updated on individual or multiple DMNVX endpoints. The following information is displayed:
- Version: Indicates the current firmware version of the endpoint. A - (hyphen) is displayed for an endpoint placeholder.
- Update Status: Indicates the current status of the firmware upgrade process when using the Dashboard page to upgrade the firmware: Uploading, Upgrading, Rebooting, Connecting, and Completed. A - (hyphen) is displayed for a placeholder.
- Last Updated: Indicates the date when the firmware was last upgraded using the Dashboard page. A - (hyphen) is displayed when the firmware was not upgraded using the Dashboard page or when the endpoint is a placeholder.
- Update File Version: Indicates the firmware version the endpoint will use if the firmware is updated.
To view the endpoints based on the ascending or descending numerical order of the firmware version, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Firmware Version heading.
To view the endpoints based on the ascending or descending alphabetical order of the firmware upgrade status, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Firmware Upgrade heading.
To view the endpoints based on the ascending or descending numerical order of the firmware update date, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Last Updated heading.
To update firmware:
Download the latest firmware file (*.zip) of the DM NVX endpoints to your computer. The firmware file can be found at
Select the endpoints for which firmware is to be upgraded:
If all endpoints for the desired model are to be upgraded, click the topmost checkbox in the first column of the table. The corresponding endpoints are selected in the table.
If only one or a limited number of endpoints for the desired model are to be upgraded, click the checkbox of the desired endpoints on an individual basis. The corresponding endpoints are selected in the table.
If updating a single endpoint, click the Upgrade button. If updating multiple endpoints, click the Upgrade Selected button. File Explorer opens.
Navigate to the firmware file on the computer, select the file, and then click Open.
A Confirmation dialog box opens, prompting for confirmation to upload the firmware file.
Confirmation Dialog Box for Uploading Firmware File
Click OK.
The Uploading file dialog box opens, indicating the progress of the upload of the firmware file. When the file upload process has completed, the Uploading file dialog box indicates that the file has been uploaded.
Uploading File Dialog Box - File Uploaded
Click OK.
The selected firmware file appears in the Select Firmware File text box on the Dashboard page.
Click the Load button.
The Firmware Upgrade column for the selected endpoints indicates the progression of the firmware upgrade process as applicable to each DM NVX device: Uploading, Waiting, Upgrading, Rebooting, Connected, and Completed.
NOTE: The firmware file is uploaded to 10 DM NVX endpoints at a time. Starting with the eleventh device, the Firmware Upgrade column on the Dashboard page indicates Waiting. When one of the 10 devices completes the upload process, the eleventh device will start uploading the firmware file and the Firmware Upgrade column for the corresponding device will change from Waiting to Uploading.
Alternatively, use the Manage Endpoint Firmware function in the Action menu to load firmware files directly to the DMNVX Director, then push loaded firmware files to devices using the Upgrade button. Refer to the Management section for information on this feature.
Adding a Domain
A domain is a logical grouping of DM NVX endpoints that operate as a single switching entity, enabling individual subsystems to be arranged and controlled independently on the AV network. A DM NVX Director network appliance automatically discovers each DM NVX endpoint on the network.
NOTE: In order for the DM NVX Director network appliance to be able to automatically discover DM NVX endpoints, Auto-Discovery must be enabled in the Device > Auto-Discovery section of the web interface (for additional information, refer to Auto-Discovery). In addition, one of the Ethernet ports (excluding the MGMT port) must be connected to the VLAN associated with the endpoints.
A DM NVX Director network appliance enables each endpoint to be assigned as a logical input or output within a domain:
The DM-NVX-DIR-80 supports a maximum of 80 DM NVX endpoints and 1 domain.
The DM-NVX-DIR-160 supports a maximum of 160 DM NVX endpoints among 20 domains.
The DM-NVX-DIR-ENT supports a maximum of 1000 DM NVX endpoints among 240 domains.
NOTE: To simplify SIMPL programming of domains, it is recommended that domains be added in the DM NVX Director web interface before being added in the SIMPL program. The domain configuration in the web interface can then be referenced when adding domains in the SIMPL program.
To add a domain using the DM NVX Director web interface:
In the navigation bar, click Add Domain. The Add Domain page opens.
Add Domain Page
The Add Domain page provides an Endpoint Map section, enabling configuration of the domain.
To add a domain, configure the endpoint map as follows:
Enter domain identification and multicast information.
Assign endpoints to the domain.
To save the domain, refer to Saving a New Domain.
Entering Domain Identification and Multicast Information
Enter the following domain identification and multicast information:
Display Name: Enter a meaningful domain name to identify the domain on the network. The default domain names are numbered consecutively as DOMAIN 1, DOMAIN 2, and so on.
Domain Number: In the scrollable text box, enter or select a domain number:
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-80, the domain number must be set to 1.
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-160, the domain number must be set to a number ranging from 1 to 20.
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, the domain number must be set to a number ranging from 1 to 240.
NOTE: The Domain Number must correspond to the XIO Domain slot number used in the SIMPL program. For example, if the Domain Number is assigned to 1 in the web interface, the corresponding XIO Domain slot number in the SIMPL program must be Slot-01 : XIO-Domain : XIO Domain.
Multicast Offset: Enter or select a Multicast Offset only when multiple DM NVX Director network appliances exist on the same network and a Custom Multicast Range (discussed below) is not set. The Multicast Offset is required to prevent multicast collisions on the network.
- The total of the Domain Number and the Multicast Offset must be less than or equal to 240.
- If the Domain Number is 1, valid Multicast Offset values range from 0 to 239.
- If the Domain Number is 2, valid Multicast Offset values range from 0 to 238.
- If the Domain Number is 20, valid Multicast Offset values range from 0 to 220.
- The combination of Domain Number and Multicast Offset determines the Multicast Range, which must be unique for each domain.
Custom Multicast Range: (Optional) Specifies a Custom Multicast Range when the checkbox is selected and Start Address, Per Device Allocation, and Device are set under Custom Multicast Assignment.
Example of Custom Multicast Assignment
Refer to the configuration guidelines that follow.
- Start Address: Enter the starting multicast address of the Custom Multicast Range. The starting address must end with 0 or an even number (2, 4, 6, or 8).
- Per Device Allocation: Enter or select the number of multicast addresses to be assigned to each DM NVX endpoint. Values range from 2 to 256 and must be an even number.
- Transmitter Device Count: Enter or select the number of DM NVX endpoints to be assigned to the domain:
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-80, values range from 2 to 80.
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-160, values range from 2 to 160.
- For the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT, values range from 2 to 1000.
NOTE: Multicast addresses can start at and end at, excluding and
The first DM NVX endpoint in the domain is assigned the starting address.
NOTE: If a value of 2 is entered, a message appears indicating that DM NVX endpoints can use 3 or more multicast addresses depending on the device configuration.
The Multicast Range is displayed. For example, if Start Address is set to, Per Device Allocation is set to 4, and Device is set to 16, the custom multicast range will result in 64 multicast addresses (4 x 16) ranging from to
Assigning Endpoints to a Domain
To assign endpoints to a domain, do any of the following:
- Assign endpoints in the endpoint map.
- Assign endpoints using the Setup button.
- Import a device map.
While assigning endpoints, perform any of the following tasks as required:
Remove an endpoint.
Replace an endpoint.
View input and output assignments simultaneously.
View endpoint statistics.
Assigning Endpoints in the Endpoint Map
In the endpoint map, assign the desired discovered endpoints as transmitters (inputs) or receivers (outputs). Endpoint placeholders can also be assigned as transmitter placeholders (inputs) or receiver placeholders (outputs).
NOTE: Transmitter placeholders and receiver placeholders are available for addition to a domain and can later be replaced by actual transmitters and receivers, respectively, when appropriate.
To assign transmitters or receivers to a domain, refer to Assigning Discovered Endpoints to a Domain for information. To assign transmitter or receiver placeholders to a domain, refer to Assigning Endpoint Placeholders to a Domain for information.
Assigning Discovered Endpoints to a Domain
Assign discovered endpoints to a domain based on the desired operating mode (transmitter or receiver).
To obtain a list of inputs (transmitters) available for addition to the domain:
Click the Inputs button (default setting).
In the Device Type drop-down list, click NVX Transmitter (default setting). Available DM NVX models that can function as transmitters are listed in the Available Inputs table.
Add Domain Page - Example of Available Inputs for Discovered Transmitters
To obtain a list of outputs (receivers) available for addition to the domain:
Click the Outputs button.
In the Device Type drop-down list, click NVX Receiver. Available DM NVX models that can function as receivers are listed in the Available Outputs table.
Add Domain Page - Example of Available Outputs for Discovered Receivers
The corresponding Available Inputs or Available Outputs table provides the following information:
#: Indicates the number of the device based on the order in which the device was added to the Available Inputs or Available Outputs list.
- Capability: Provides icons representing the capabilities of the device:
: Purple icon represents DMNAX™ audio.
: Blue icon represents DM NVX audio/video, which consists of HDMI® or analog audio and HDMI video.
: Orange icon represents DM NUX (USB) data from the DEVICE or HOST port on a DM NVX endpoint. If the DM NUX icon is shaded gray (), DM NUX capability is not supported by the endpoint.
A Capability legend is provided below the Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables indicating the meaning of the icons.
Capability Legend
Model: Indicates the model name of the DM NVX endpoint.
To view the devices based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the model name, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Model heading.
Hostname: Indicates the hostname of the DM NVX endpoint. The default hostname is the model name followed by a hyphen and the MAC address of the device.
To view the devices based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the hostname, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Name heading.
IP Address: Indicates the IP address of the DM NVX endpoint. Clicking the IP address provides access to the web interface of the endpoint.
To view the devices based on the ascending or descending numerical order of the IP address, use the scroll arrows to the right of the IPAddress heading.
Up to 10 available endpoints can be displayed in the table simultaneously. If more than 10 endpoints are available, use the scroll arrows at the bottom of the table to navigate through the list of endpoints.
For a DM NVX endpoint that can function as either a transmitter or receiver, the endpoint is available for addition to the domain as a transmitter or receiver. If the endpoint is added to the Input Assignments table but the operating mode of the endpoint is configured as a receiver, the operating mode will automatically be reconfigured as a transmitter when the domain is saved.
If the endpoint is added to the Output Assignments table but the operating mode of the endpoint is configured as a transmitter, the operating mode will automatically be reconfigured as a receiver when the domain is saved.
For a transmitter-only endpoint, the endpoint is available for addition to the domain as a transmitter only and can only be added the Input Assignments table.
For a receiver-only endpoint, the endpoint is available for addition to the domain as a receiver only and can only be added to the Output Assignments table.
To assign an endpoint to a domain on an individual basis, do either of the following:
Drag and drop the desired endpoint into any location—including an existing row—of the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
Double-click the desired endpoint. The endpoint is added to the end of the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
If the assignments table was originally empty, the desired endpoint is added to the beginning of the table. If the endpoint was dragged into an existing row within the table, the endpoint is added to the desired row and all remaining rows are automatically renumbered. If the endpoint was not dragged into an existing row, the endpoint is added to the end of the table.
To assign multiple endpoints simultaneously:
Shift + click the desired consecutive endpoints and then drag and drop them into any location—including an existing row—of the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
Control + click to select multiple endpoints on an individual basis in any order (ascending or descending) and then drag and drop them into any location—including an existing row—of the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
If the assignments table was originally empty, the selected endpoints are added to the beginning of the table. If the endpoints were dragged into an existing row within the table, the endpoints are added starting at the desired row location and all remaining rows are automatically renumbered. If the endpoints were not dragged into an existing row, the endpoints are added to the end of the table.
Add Domain Page - Example of Input Assignments for Transmitters
Add Domain Page - Example of Output Assignments for Receivers
The Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables provide the following information:
#: Indicates the number of the device based on the order in which the device was added to the Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
To view the devices based on ascending or descending numerical order, use the scroll arrows to the right of the # heading.
Capability: Provides the same icons as the Available Inputs and Available Outputs tables to represent the capabilities of the device (DM NAX, DM NVX, and DM NUX as applicable).
Name: Indicates the device name assigned to the endpoint. Clicking the name enables the endpoint name to be changed.
Renaming Input or Output Assignment (Input Shown)
To view the devices based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the name, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Name heading.
IP Address: Indicates the IP address of the device. Clicking the IP address provides access to the web interface of the device.
To view the devices based on the ascending or descending numerical order of the IP address, use the scroll arrows to the right of the IP Address heading.
If desired, assign endpoint placeholders to the domain. Refer to Assigning Endpoint Placeholders to a Domain for information.
Assigning Endpoint Placeholders to a Domain
Assign endpoint placeholders to a domain based on the desired operating mode (transmitter or receiver).
NOTE: Placeholders can be added to a domain that also contains discovered endpoints. If desired, a domain consisting of placeholders only can be added.
To obtain a list of transmitter placeholders available for addition to the domain:
Click the Inputs button (default setting).
In the Device Type drop-down list, click NVX Placeholder. By default, a placeholder for every DM NVX model that can function as a transmitter is listed in the Available Inputs table.
To obtain a list of receiver placeholders available for addition to the domain:
Click the Outputs button.
In the Device Type drop-down list, click NVX Placeholder. By default, a placeholder for every DM NVX model that can function as a receiver is listed in the Available Outputs table.
Add Domain Page - Default DM NVX Placeholders for Available Inputs (Transmitters)
Add Domain Page - Default DM NVX Placeholders for Available Outputs (Receivers)
The corresponding Available Inputs or Available Outputs table provides the following information:
#: Indicates the number of the placeholder based on the alphanumeric order of the placeholder name.
- Capability: For each capability (DM NAX, DM NVX, and DM NUX), the icon is shaded gray to indicate that the placeholder provides no capability ().
Model: For transmitter placeholders, indicates the model name of all DM NVX endpoints that can function as a transmitter. For receiver placeholders, indicates the model name of all DM NVX endpoints that can function as a receiver. The model name is appended by a hyphen and the word Placeholder, for example, DM-NVX-350-Placeholder. A Generic-Transmitter-Placeholder and Generic-Receiver-Placeholder are also provided. By default, the generic placeholders are provided at the end of the lists.
To view the devices based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the model name, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Model heading.
Name: Indicates the same name listed as the model name.
To view the placeholders based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the name, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Name heading.
IP Address: Displays a hyphen to indicate that the placeholder does not have an IP address.
Up to 10 placeholders can be displayed in the table simultaneously. Use the scroll arrows at the bottom of the table to navigate through more than 10 placeholders.
To assign placeholders to a domain, refer to the following sections:
Assigning a Specific DM NVX Endpoint Model Placeholder to a Domain
Assigning Different DM NVX Endpoint Model Placeholders to a Domain Simultaneously
Assigning a Specific DM NVX Endpoint Model Placeholder to a Domain
To assign a specific DM NVX endpoint model placeholder to a domain:
Do either of the following:
Drag and drop the desired placeholder into any location—including an existing row—of the corresponding assignments table.
Double-click the desired placeholder.
The Adding Multiple Placeholders dialog box opens, prompting for the number of placeholders you wish to add to the domain.
Adding Multiple Placeholders Dialog Box
In the scrollable text box, enter or select the desired number of placeholders (the default setting is 1), and then click Done. Depending on the number of placeholders selected, one or more placeholders are added to the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
Example of Three DM-NVX-350 Placeholders Simultaneously Added to Input Assignments Table
If the assignments table was originally empty, the desired number of placeholders are added to the beginning of the table. If the placeholder was dragged to an existing row within the table, the desired number of placeholders are added starting at the desired row location and all remaining rows are automatically renumbered. If the placeholder was dragged to the end of the table, the desired number of placeholders are added to the end of the table.
The Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables provide the same information for the placeholders as the information provided in the Available Inputs and Available Outputs tables, respectively: #, Capability, Name, and IP Address. However, in the Name column of the Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables, clicking the placeholder name enables the name to be changed.
Assigning Different DM NVX Endpoint Model Placeholders to a Domain Simultaneously
To assign different DM NVX endpoint model placeholders to a domain simultaneously, do either or both of the following:
Shift + click the desired consecutive endpoint model placeholders and then drag and drop them into any location—including an existing row—of the corresponding assignments table.
Control + click to select multiple endpoints on an individual basis in any order (ascending or descending) and then drag and drop them into any location—including an existing row—of the corresponding assignments table.
Example of Six Different DM NVX Endpoint Model Placeholders Simultaneously Added to Input Assignments Table
If the assignments table was originally empty, the desired placeholders are added to the beginning of the table. If the placeholders were dragged to an existing row within the table, the placeholders are added starting at the desired row location and all remaining rows are automatically renumbered. If the placeholders were dragged to the end of the table, the placeholders are added to the end of the table.
The Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables provide the same information for the placeholders as the information provided in the Available Inputs and Available Outputs tables, respectively: #, Capability, Name, and IP Address. However, in the Name column of the Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables, clicking the placeholder name enables the name to be changed.
Assigning Endpoints Using the Setup Button
The Physical Assignment section located at the bottom of the Add Domain page controls the total number of minutes the Setup button can be used on the desired endpoints listed in the Available Inputs and Available Outputs tables to assign the endpoints to a domain.
Add Domain Page - Physical Assignment
To set the number of minutes that the Setup button can be used to assign the desired endpoints to a domain:
Ensure that the Start button (), which is located to the right of Assign via Setup Button, is enabled (blue). By default, the Start button is enabled and the Stop () button is disabled (gray). To enable the Start button if it is disabled (), click the blue enabled Stop button (). The Stop button is then disabled, and the Start button is enabled.
In the Minutes drop-down list, select the total number of minutes in which the Setup button on the desired available endpoints can be used to assign the endpoints to the domain. Values range from 0 to 30 minutes. A value of 0 prevents the Setup button from be used for endpoint assignment.
For each desired endpoint listed under Available Inputs and Available Outputs, press the Setup button on all endpoints within the number of minutes set in step 2.
After the Setup button is pressed on an endpoint, the endpoint is assigned to the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table depending on the operating mode.
Importing a Device Map
A device map consists of a DM NVX Director domain configuration that can be imported or exported as an .xml file. A device map that was exported from a DM NVX Director network appliance being replaced can be imported into the replacement DM NVX Director network appliance. (For information about exporting a device map, refer to Exporting a Device Map.)
To import a device map:
In the Add Domain page, click the Import button.
Add Domain Page, Import Device Map
File Explorer opens.
Navigate to the location of the device map file that is to be imported, and then click Open.
The device map is imported into the domain. DM NVX transmitter endpoints are automatically added to the Input Assignments table, and DM NVX receiver endpoints are automatically added to the Output Assignments table.
NOTE: If the device map file is formatted incorrectly, it will not be accepted by the DM NVX Director network appliance.
For information about saving the device map to the domain, refer to Saving a New Domain.
Replacing Endpoints in a Domain
Endpoints assigned to a domain can be replaced with available endpoints if required. An endpoint in the Input Assignments table can be replaced with an endpoint in the Available Inputs table. Similarly, an endpoint in the Output Assignments table can be replaced with an endpoint in the Available Outputs table. Examples of reasons for replacing endpoints are as follows:
Replacing an assigned endpoint with a newer available model.
Replacing an assigned placeholder endpoint with an available discovered endpoint
Replacing an assigned endpoint with a placeholder endpoint
To replace an assigned endpoint with an available endpoint:
In the Available Inputs or Available Outputs table, click the endpoint that is to be used to replace an assigned endpoint. The endpoint is shaded blue.
Selection of Available Endpoint
In the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table, click the endpoint that is to be replaced. The endpoint is shaded blue.
Selection of Endpoint Assignment
Click the Replace Device button.
Replacement of Endpoint Assignment with Available Endpoint
The Replace Device dialog box opens. If the replacement device is a different DM NVX model than the device being replaced, the dialog box indicates that the replacement device may not support all features and functionality of the device being replaced and prompts for confirmation that the device be replaced.
Replace Dialog Box - Replacing DM NVX Device with Different DM NVX Model
If the replacement device is the same DM NVX model as the device being replaced, the dialog box prompts for confirmation that the device be replaced.
Replace Dialog Box - Replacing DM NVX Device with Same DM NVX Model
Click OK to replace the device.
The endpoint selected in step 1 replaces the endpoint selected in step 2. The endpoint selected in step 2 is removed from the domain and becomes an available endpoint.
Removing Endpoints from a Domain
Endpoints can be removed from the Input Assignments or Output Assignments table of a domain. Refer to Removing a Single Endpoint or Removing Multiple Endpoints Simultaneously for instructions.
Removing a Single Endpoint
To remove a single endpoint from a domain:
Do either of the following:
- Click the endpoint to be removed. After the endpoint is shaded blue, click the Remove button.
Double-click the endpoint. The endpoint is shaded blue.
Removal of Endpoint by Double-Clicking
Removal of Endpoint by Clicking and Using the Remove Button
The Remove Device dialog box opens, indicating that the device will permanently be removed from the domain.
Remove Device Dialog Box
Click OK.
The selected device is removed from the domain and becomes an available endpoint listed in the Available Inputs or Available Outputs table as appropriate.
Removing Multiple Endpoints Simultaneously
To remove multiple endpoints simultaneously from a domain:
Do either of the following:
Shift + click the desired consecutive endpoints. The endpoints are shaded blue, click the Remove button.
Removal of Multiple Consecutive Endpoints Using Shift + Click and Remove Button
Control + click to select multiple endpoints on an individual basis in any order (ascending or descending). After the endpoints are shaded blue, click the Remove button.
Removal of Multiple Endpoints Using Control + Click and Remove Button
The Remove Device dialog box opens, indicating that the devices will permanently be removed from the domain.
Remove Device Dialog Box
Click OK.
The desired devices are removed from the domain and become available endpoints listed in the Available Inputs or Available Outputs table as appropriate.
Viewing Input and Output Assignments Simultaneously
The Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables on an endpoint map can be displayed simultaneously, enabling both input and output assignments to be viewed. In addition, an input can be reassigned as an output or an output can be reassigned as an input for endpoints that can function as either a transmitter or a receiver.
To view input and output assignments simultaneously, click the All button. The Input Assignments and Output Assignments tables are displayed.
Simultaneous Display of Input and Output Assignments
If desired, reassign an input as an output or an output as an input by doing the following:
To reassign a single endpoint, drag and drop the desired endpoint into any location—including an existing row—of the Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
To reassign multiple endpoints simultaneously, do either of the following:
To select consecutive endpoints, Shift + click the first and last endpoint in the series and then drag and drop them into any location—including an existing row—of the Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
To select multiple endpoints on an individual basis in any order (ascending or descending), Control + click to select each desired endpoint, and then drag and drop them into any location—including an existing row—of the corresponding Input Assignments or Output Assignments table.
Viewing Endpoint Statistics
Endpoint statistics are provided on an endpoint map.
Endpoint Statistics Example
The statistics indicate the following information:
Endpoints in Use: Indicates the total number of transmitters, transmitter placeholders, receivers, and receiver placeholders that have been assigned among existing domains.
Available Endpoints: Indicates the total number of transmitters, transmitter placeholders, receivers, and receiver placeholders that are available for assignment among all domains supported by the DM NVX Director network appliance.
Total Endpoints: Indicates the total number of endpoints that is supported by the DM NVX Director network appliance: 80 for the DM-NVX-DIR-80, 160 for the DM-NVX-DIR-160, and 1000 for the DM-NVX-DIR-ENT.
Saving a New Domain
To save a new domain:
In the Action menu, click Save Changes. The Create Domain Password dialog box opens.
NOTE: If a domain is added by importing a device map, the Create Domain Password dialog box does not appear. The Confirmation dialog box for saving the domain appears as shown at the end of step 2 below. When the Confirmation dialog box appears, proceed to step 3 to save the device map.
Create Domain Password Dialog Box
- Assign domain credentials as follows:
- If desired, change the current username that is displayed in the Username text box.
- In the Password text box, enter a password using a minimum of 8 characters. Thepassword is case sensitive.
- In the Confirm Password text box, reenter the password for confirmation.
- Click OK.
Click OK to save the domain.
The saved domain is added to the navigation bar.
If DM NVX endpoints have been assigned to the domain, the Manage Device Credentials dialog box opens.
Manage Device Credentials Dialog Box
By default, the Default credentials (admin/admin) or no user account checkbox is selected. The checkboxes of all DM NVX endpoints in the domain are also selected.
Four DM NVX endpoints are listed at a time. All endpoints in the table can be viewed by using the scroll arrows at the bottom of the table. The IP address, host name, and status (ONLINE or OFFLINE) of each DM NVX endpoint is displayed. Clicking the IP address provides access to the web interface of the endpoint.
NOTE: Do not deselect the checkbox of any of the DM NVX endpoints listed in the table. The same credentials must be used for all DM NVX endpoints in the domain.
To be able to use the current credentials for all DM NVX endpoints listed in the table, do either of the following:
A Confirmation dialog box opens, prompting for confirmation that the domain be saved.
Confirmation Dialog Box for Saving the Domain
- For DM NVX endpoints using admin/admin as the default credentials or no user account, ensure that the Default credentials (admin/admin) or no user account checkbox is selected (default setting), and then continue with step 5.
For DM NVX endpoints with an existing user account, deselect the Default credentials (admin/admin) or no user account checkbox, enter the username and password, and then continue with step 5.
NOTE: If, for some reason, an error occurs relating to credentials for a particular DM NVX endpoint, click the IP address of the endpoint and set the username and password using the web interface of the endpoint. The DM NVX Director network appliance is blocked from accessing the endpoint for 24 hours. To remove the block and enable the DM NVX Director network appliance to access the endpoint, issue the following console command from the endpoint:
remblockedip all
The Save Domain dialog box opens, indicating that the devices are being configured and assigned. A progress indicator bar is also provided.
Save Domain Dialog Box - Configuration and Assignment Progress Indicator
When the process is complete, the dialog box indicates that the configuration is complete.
Save Domain Dialog Box - Configuration Complete
Click OK to close the dialog box.
In the navigation bar, the added domain is indicated by the domain name followed by the domain number in parentheses. In addition, the endpoint map of the domain is displayed.
Addition of New Domain
Global Domain Routing
Global domain routing supports interdomain routing, which enables inputs (transmitters) within a single domain to be routed to outputs (receivers) of one or more other domains. Inputs within a single domain can also be routed to outputs within the same domain.
If interdomain routing is not desired, routing inputs to outputs within a single domain can also be accomplished by going to the desired domain in the navigation bar and clicking Routing. For additional information, refer to Domain Routing.
The DM-NVX-DIR-160 and DM-NVX-DIR-ENT support interdomain routing. Because the DM-NVX-DIR-80 supports only a single domain, interdomain routing is not applicable.
To route inputs to outputs using the global domain:
In the navigation bar, go to GLOBAL DOMAIN and then click Routing. The Global Domain Routing page opens, providing an AV routing matrix for all domains within the network. Depending on the number of inputs and outputs being viewed simultaneously, multiple Global Domain Routing pages may result. In the example shown below, Global Domain Routing spans two pages.
Global Domain Routing Page, 1 of 2 (Sample Page Shown)
Global Domain Routing Page, 2 of 2 (Sample Page Shown)
The Global Domain Routing provides an AV routing matrix consisting of inputs and outputs for one or more domains. The inputs are shaded green and are listed vertically on the left side of the matrix. The inputs are identified by the domain number and the name assigned to the input. The total number of inputs is labeled on the left side of the routing matrix.
The outputs are shaded blue and are listed horizontally at the top of the matrix. The outputs are identified by the domain number and the name assigned to the output. The total number of outputs is labeled at the top of the AV routing matrix.
To scroll through the list of inputs on multiple Routing pages, use the scroll arrows on the right side of the AV routing matrix. To scroll through the list of outputs on multiple Routing pages, use the scroll arrows at the bottom of the AV routing matrix.
A Search box is provided in the upper-right corner above the AV routing matrix. Inputs and outputs can be found by searching for input names, output names, and other data related to the endpoints.
The Routing page provides the following routing controls:
Signal type checkboxes: NAX (AES67 audio), NVX (HDMI or analog audio and HDMI video), and NUX (USB) checkboxes control whether the associated signal type can be routed or unrouted. If a signal type is to be routed or unrouted, the corresponding checkbox must be selected. If a checkbox is not selected, the associated signal type cannot be routed or unrouted. By default, the NVX checkbox is selected, enabling only audio/video to be routed or unrouted.
To route the signal types independently, select one checkbox at a time. To route more than one signal type at a time, select the checkboxes of all desired signal types.
- At least one signal type checkbox must be selected.
- NUX (USB) data is supported by certain DM NVX endpoints only.
Matrix: Navigation matrix located in the upper-left corner of the AV routing matrix. Enables quick navigation to a group of inputs and outputs within the global domain. The total number of rows (inputs) in the global domain is labeled in the lower-left corner below the navigation matrix, for example, Rows 10. The total number of columns (outputs) in the global domain is labeled in the upper right corner of the navigation matrix, for example, Columns 16.
Below the navigation matrix are Rows and Columns drop-down lists that specify the number of rows (inputs) and number of columns (outputs) to be displayed simultaneously on the Routing page.
By default, the Rows and Columns drop-down lists are set to 12. To change the number of rows and columns that can be displayed on the Routing page simultaneously, click the corresponding drop-down list and then click one of the following: 12 (default setting), 16, 24, 36, 48, or Custom. If Custom is selected, enter the desired number of rows or columns.
A black outlined box in the navigation matrix represents the number of rows and columns currently displayed in the AV routing matrix. Clicking a white area outside of the black outlined box navigates to another group of rows and columns (if any) within the global domain.
Signal type icon buttons: Represent the three signal types to be routed: NAX, NVX, and NUX. By default, the icon buttons are shaded gray indicating that the signal types are not routed.
When the signal types are routed, the icon buttons appear as follows:
: Solid purple icon represents routed DMNAX audio. The NAX checkbox at the top of the Routing page must be selected in order to route or unroute DM NAX audio. If the signal is unrouted, the icon is shaded gray ().
NOTE: If the DM NAX audio icon continuously flashes purple, a routing problem exists, for example, a DM NVX endpoint is offline. The route cannot be made until the problem is resolved.
: Solid blue icon represents routed DM NVX audio/video, which consists of HDMI or analog audio and HDMI video. The NVX checkbox at the top of the Routing page must be selected in order to route or unroute HDMI or analog audio and HDMI video. If the signal is unrouted, the icon is shaded gray ().
NOTE: If the DM NVX icon continuously flashes blue, a routing problem exists, for example, a DM NVX endpoint is offline. The route cannot be made until the problem is resolved.
: Solid orange icon represents routed DM NUX (USB) data from the DEVICE or HOST port of a DM NVX endpoint. The NUX checkbox at the top of the Routing page must be selected in order to route or unroute USB data. If the signal is unrouted, the icon is shaded gray ().
If the DM NUX icon continuously flashes orange, a routing problem exists, for example, a DM NVX endpoint is offline. The route cannot be made until the problem is resolved.
If a DM NVX endpoint does not provide USB data capability, the DM NUX icon is shaded gray and is empty—the icon does not include the USB symbol (). Although the NUX checkbox may be selected, USB data cannot be routed for that DM NVX endpoint.
- Route Update icon button (): Green icon button that is located to the right of each input name, which is also shaded green.
For each input and associated output, the three icon buttons are arranged horizontally in a single cell. Selecting the cell will route the signals based on the selected signal type checkboxes (discussed above). If the same signal type checkboxes are selected, selecting the cell a second time will unroute the corresponding signal types. If the same signal type checkboxes are not selected, selecting the cell a second time will unroute only the signal types whose checkboxes are selected.
After any of the signal types have been unrouted in a cell and need to be routed again or for the first time, select the signal type checkboxes corresponding to the signal types and then select the cell.
NOTE: The Route Update icon button applies to DM NVX and DM NAX signal types only and does not apply to the DM NUX signal type.
When the Route Update icon button is selected, the Route update dialog box opens.
Route Update Dialog Box
To route signals based on the selected signal types (excluding NUX), clicking Route All routes the associated signal types from the input to all outputs. To clear the signal types for all outputs, click Clear All.
If the NUX signal type checkbox is selected, NUX is ignored when the Route Update dialog box is used to route or clear signals for all outputs.
The AV routing matrix also enables a signal routing map to be viewed for each input and output. To view the signal routing map for an input, click the input (shaded green). The signal routing map for the input is displayed.
Signal Routing Map Example for an Input
To view the signal routing map for an output, click the output (shaded blue). The signal routing map for the output is displayed.
Signal Routing Map Example for an Output
To search for an input or output, enter the input or output name in the Search box located in the upper-left corner above the map. To close the signal routing map for an input or output, click Close.
Modifying a Domain
After a domain is added to the DM NVX Director network appliance, the following links are provided for each domain in the navigation bar:
Routing (refer to Domain Routing)
Endpoint Map (refer to Domain Endpoint Map)
Control System (refer to Domain Control System)
DM NVX Director Navigation Bar (Three Domains Shown)
Each of the links enables changes to be made to a domain on an individual basis.
Domain Routing
Domain routing enables inputs within a domain to be routed to outputs within the same domain only. Routing is accomplished for each domain on an individual basis.
NOTE: For information about interdomain routing, which enables inputs within a single domain to be routed to the outputs of one or more other domains, refer to Global Domain Routing.
To route inputs to outputs within a single domain:
In the navigation bar, go to the desired domain, and then click Routing. The Domain Routing page opens, providing an AV routing matrix for the desired domain within the network. Depending on the number of inputs and outputs being viewed simultaneously, multiple Domain Routing pages may result. In the example shown below, Domain Routing spans two pages.
NOTE: If Global Domain Routing is used for both routing within a single domain and interdomain routing, the Domain Routing page for a particular domain will only display the routes within that domain.
Domain Routing Page, 1 of 2 (Sample Page Shown)
Domain Routing Page, 2 of 2 (Sample Page Shown)
Domain Routing provides an AV routing matrix consisting of inputs and outputs for a single domain. The inputs are shaded green and are listed vertically on the left side of the matrix. The inputs are identified by the domain number and the name assigned to the input. The total number of inputs is labeled on the left side of the routing matrix.
The outputs are shaded blue and are listed horizontally at the top of the matrix. The outputs are identified by the domain number and the name assigned to the output. The total number of outputs is labeled at the top of the AV routing matrix.
To scroll through the list of inputs on multiple Routing pages, use the scroll arrows on the right side of the AV routing matrix. To scroll through the list of outputs on multiple Routing pages, use the scroll arrows at the bottom of the AV routing matrix.
A Search box is provided in the upper-right corner above the AV routing matrix. Inputs and outputs can be found by searching for input names, output names, and other data related to the endpoints.
The Routing page provides the following routing controls:
Signal type checkboxes: NAX(AES67 audio), NVX (HDMI or analog audio and HDMI video), and NUX (USB) checkboxes control whether the associated signal type can be routed or unrouted. If a signal type is to be routed or unrouted, the corresponding checkbox must be selected. If a checkbox is not selected, the associated signal type cannot be routed or unrouted. By default, the NVX checkbox is selected, enabling only audio/video to be routed or unrouted.
To route the signal types independently, select one checkbox at a time. To route more than one signal type at a time, select the checkboxes of all desired signal types.
- At least one signal type checkbox must be selected.
- NUX (USB) data is supported by certain DM NVX endpoints only.
Matrix: Navigation matrix located in the upper-left corner of the AV routing matrix. Enables quick navigation to a group of inputs and outputs within the domain. The total number of rows (inputs) in the domain is labeled in the lower-left corner below the navigation matrix, for example, Rows 7. The total number of columns (outputs) in the domain is labeled in the upper-right corner of the matrix, for example, Columns 14.
Below the navigation matrix are Rows and Columns drop-down lists that specify the number of rows (inputs) and number of columns (outputs) to be displayed simultaneously on the Routing page.
By default, the Rows and Columns drop-down lists are set to 12. To change the number of rows and columns that can be displayed on the Routing page simultaneously, click the corresponding drop-down list and then click one of the following: 12 (default setting), 16, 24, 36, 48, or Custom. If Custom is selected, enter the desired number of rows or columns.
A black outlined box in the navigation matrix represents the number of rows and columns currently displayed in the AV routing matrix. Clicking a white area outside of the black outlined box navigates to another group of rows and columns (if any) within the domain.
Signal type icon buttons: Represent the three signal types to be routed: NAX, NVX, and NUX. By default, the icon buttons are shaded gray indicating that the signal types are not routed.
When the signal types are routed, the icon buttons appear as follows:
: Solid purple icon represents DMNAX audio. The NAX checkbox at the top of the Routing page must be selected in order to route or unroute DM NAX audio. If the signal is unrouted, the icon is shaded gray ().
: Solid blue icon represents routed DM NVX audio/video, which consists of HDMI or analog audio and HDMI video. The NVX checkbox at the top of the Routing page must be selected in order to route or unroute HDMI or analog audio and HDMI video. If the signal is unrouted, the icon is shaded gray ().
: Solid orange icon represents DM NUX (USB) data from the DEVICE or HOST port of a DM NVX endpoint. The NUX checkbox at the top of the Routing page must be selected in order to route or unroute USB data. If the signal is unrouted, the USB icon is shaded gray ().
- If the DM NUX icon continuously flashes orange, a routing problem exists, for example, a DM NVX endpoint is offline. The route cannot be made until the problem is resolved.
- If a DM NVX endpoint does not provide USB data capability, the DM NUX icon is shaded gray and is empty—the icon does not include the USB symbol (). Although the NUX checkbox may be selected, USB data cannot be routed for that DM NVX endpoint.
- Route Update icon button ( ): Green icon button that is located to the right of each input name, which is also shaded green.
NOTE: If the DMNAX audio icon continuously flashes purple, a routing problem exists, for example, a DM NVX endpoint is offline. The route cannot be made until the problem is resolved.
NOTE: If the DM NVX icon continuously flashes blue, a routing problem exists, for example, a DM NVX endpoint is offline. The route cannot be made until the problem is resolved.
For each input and associated output, the three icon buttons are arranged horizontally in a single cell. Selecting the cell will route the signals based on the selected signal type checkboxes (discussed above). If the same signal type checkboxes are selected, selecting the cell a second time will unroute the corresponding signal types. If the same signal type checkboxes are not selected, selecting the cell a second time will unroute only the signal types whose checkboxes are selected.
After any of the signal types have been unrouted in a cell and need to be routed again or for the first time, select the signal type checkboxes corresponding to the signal types and then select the cell.
NOTE: The Route Update icon button applies to DM NVX and DM NAX signal types only and does not apply to the DM NUX signal type.
When the Route Update icon button is selected, the Route update dialog box opens.
Route Update Dialog Box
To route signals based on the selected signal types (excluding NUX), clicking Route All routes the associated signal types from the input to all outputs. To clear the signal types for all outputs, click Clear All.
If the NUX signal type checkbox is selected, NUX is ignored when the Route Update dialog box is used to route or clear USB signals for all outputs.
The AV routing matrix also provides a signal routing map for each input and output. To view the signal routing map for an input, select the input (shaded green). The signal routing map for the input is displayed.
Signal Routing Map Example for an Input
To view the signal routing map for an output, select the output (shaded blue). The signal routing map for the output is displayed.
Signal Routing Map Example for an Output
To search for an input or output, enter the input or output name in the Search box located in the upper-left corner above the map. To close the signal routing map for an input or output, click Close.
Domain Endpoint Map
After a domain is added and saved, the domain endpoint map can be modified as necessary for each domain on an individual basis. The domain can also be deleted if required.
NOTE: To simplify SIMPL programming of domains, it is recommended that domains be modified in the DM NVX Director web interface before being modified in the SIMPL program. The domain configuration in the web interface can then be referenced when modifying domains in the SIMPL program.
To modify a domain endpoint map using the DM NVX Director web interface:
In the navigation bar, go to the desired domain, and then click Endpoint Map. The Domain Endpoint Map page opens, providing the current configuration of the domain endpoint map.
Domain Endpoint Map Page (Sample Screen Shown for Domain 1)
NOTE: To save certain changes on the Endpoint Map page, a Save button is provided. Depending on the change that is being made, a message appears in red below the Save button, indicating that the change must be saved. To save one or more changes, click the Save button. Alternatively, Save Changes in the Action menu can be selected to save the changes.
Using the Domain Endpoint Map page, perform any of the following tasks as required:
Modify domain identification and multicast information.
Delete a domain.
Import a device map.
Export a device map.
Manage credentials.
Assign endpoints.
For information about saving changes, refer to Saving Changes to an Existing Domain.
Modifying Domain Identification and Multicast Information
If required, modify any of the current domain identification and multicast information settings.
In the navigation bar, go to the domain for which domain identification or multicast information is to be modified, and then click Endpoint Map. The Domain Endpoint Map page opens.
Domain Endpoint Map Page - Sample Domain Identification and Multicast Information Settings
For information about domain identification and multicast settings, refer to Entering Domain Identification and Multicast Information in the Adding a Domain section of this
Deleting a Domain
To delete a domain:
In the navigation bar, go to the domain to be deleted and then click Endpoint Map. The Domain Endpoint Map page opens.
Domain Endpoint Map Page - Sample Screen Shown for Domain 1
- Click the Delete button.
- Click OK to delete the domain.
Endpoint Map Page - Delete Domain
The Remove Domain dialog box opens, providing a warning that the domain will be permanently removed.
Remove Domain Dialog Box
Importing a Device Map
A device map can be imported on an existing Domain Endpoint Map page that does not include a domain configuration of input and output assignments.
caution: If the Domain Endpoint Map page already includes a domain configuration of input and output assignments, importing a device map will replace the existing configuration.
To import a device map on the Domain Endpoint Map page:
In the navigation bar, go to the domain for which a device map is to be imported and then click Endpoint Map. The Domain Endpoint Map page opens.
Domain Endpoint Map Page (Sample Screen Shown Without Input and Output Assignments)
Click the Import button.
Navigate to the location of the device map file that is to be imported, and then click Open.
The device map is imported into the domain. DM NVX transmitter endpoints are automatically added to the Input Assignments table, and DM NVX receiver endpoints are automatically added to the Output Assignments table.
NOTE: If the device map file is formatted incorrectly, it will not be accepted by the DM NVX Director network appliance.
Domain Endpoint Map Page - Import Device Map
File Explorer opens.
Exporting a Device Map
A device map consists of a DM NVX Director domain configuration that can be imported or exported an .xml file. A device map can be exported to your computer to provide a backup of a current domain configuration or for use by a replacement DM NVX Director network appliance if necessary.
To export a device map:
In the navigation bar, go to the domain from which the device map is to be exported and then click Endpoint Map. The Domain Endpoint Map page opens.
Domain Endpoint Map Page (Sample Screen Shown for Domain 1)
- Click the Export button.
Domain Endpoint Map Page - Export Device Map
The device map is downloaded to the Downloads folder of your computer.
Managing Credentials
For security purposes, the password of all endpoints in a domain can be changed. Alternatively, a new user account can be created.
To change the password or to create a new user account:
In the navigation bar, go to the desired domain and then click Endpoint Map. The Domain Endpoint Map page opens.
Domain Endpoint Map Page (Sample Screen Shown for Domain 1)
- Click the Manage button.
Domain Endpoint Map Page - Credential Management
The Change Domain Password dialog box opens.
Change Domain Password Dialog Box
The Change Domain Password dialog box provides a table listing all DM NVX endpoints in the domain. For each endpoint, the following information is provided:
Domain: Displays the domain number to which the endpoints are assigned
- #: For a transmitter, indicates TX followed by a number indicating the order in which the transmitter was added to the domain. For a receiver, indicates RX followed by a number indicating the order in which the receiver was added to the domain.
- Name: Indicates the device name assigned to the endpoint.
- Model: Indicates the model name of the endpoint.
IP Address: Indicates the IP address of the endpoint. Clicking the IP address provides access to the web interface of the endpoint.
To list the devices based on the ascending or descending numerical order of the IP address, use the scroll arrows to the right of the IP Address heading.
To list the endpoints based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the designations in the # column, use the scroll arrows to the right of the # heading.
To list the endpoints based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the names, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Name heading.
To list the endpoints based on the ascending or descending alphanumeric order of the model names, use the scroll arrows to the right of the Model heading.
Four DM NVX endpoints are listed at a time. All DM NVX endpoints in the table can be viewed by using the scroll arrows at the bottom of the table to navigate through the list of endpoints.
- In the Name text box, modify the current username if required. Theusername is not case sensitive.
- In the Password text box, enter a new password using a minimum of 8 characters. The password is case sensitive.
- In the Confirm Password text box, reenter the password for confirmation.
- Click OK.
NOTE: If, for some reason, an error occurs relating to credentials for a particular DM NVX endpoint, click the IP address of the endpoint and set the credentials using the web interface of the endpoint. The DM NVX Director network applianceis blocked from accessing the endpoint for 24 hours. To remove the block and enable the DM NVX Director network appliance to access the endpoint, issue the following console command from the endpoint:
remblockedip all
Assigning Endpoints
After a domain has been added and saved, additional endpoints can be assigned to the endpoint map as required.
To assign endpoints to an existing endpoint map of a domain:
In the navigation bar, go to the desired domain and then click Endpoint Map. The Domain Endpoint Map page opens.
Domain Endpoint Map Page (Sample Screen Shown for Domain 1)
The steps necessary to add endpoints on the Domain Endpoint Map page are the same as when assigning endpoints on the Add Domain page. Refer to Assigning Endpoints in the Endpoint Map and Assigning Endpoints Using the Setup Button in the Adding a Domain section for additional information.
In addition, the following tasks that can be performed on the Add Domain page can also be performed on the Domain Endpoint Map page:
Removing an endpoint.
Replacing an endpoint.
Viewing input and output assignments simultaneously.
Viewing endpoint statistics.
Saving Changes to an Existing Domain
To save changes to an existing domain:
Click the Save button to save the domain. (Alternatively, clicking Save Changes in the Action menu will also save the changes.)
A Confirmation dialog box opens, prompting for confirmation that the domain be saved.
Confirmation Dialog Box for Saving the Domain
Click OK to save the domain.
If additional endpoints have been assigned to the domain, the Manage Device Credentials dialog box opens.
Manage Device Credentials Dialog Box
- To be able to use the current credentials for all DM NVX endpoints listed in the table, do either of the following:
By default, the Default credentials (admin/admin) or no user account checkbox is selected. The checkbox of all newly added DM NVX endpoints is also selected.
Four DM NVX endpoints are listed at a time. All endpoints in the table can be viewed by using the scroll arrows at the bottom of the table. The IP address, host name, and status (ONLINE or OFFLINE) of each DM NVX endpoint is displayed. Clicking the IP address provides access to the web interface of the endpoint.
NOTE: Do not deselect the checkbox of any of the DM NVX endpoints listed in the table. The same credentials must be used for all DM NVX endpoints in the domain.
For DM NVX endpoints using admin/admin as the default credentials or no user account, ensure that the Default credentials (admin/admin) or no user account checkbox is selected (default setting), and then continue with step 6.
For DM NVX endpoints with an existing user account, deselect the Default credentials (admin/admin) or no user account checkbox, enter the username and password, and then continue with step 4.
NOTE: If, for some reason, an error occurs relating to credentials for a particular DM NVX endpoint, click the IP address of the endpoint and set the username and password using the web interface of the endpoint. The DM NVX Director network appliance is blocked from accessing the endpoint for 24 hours. To remove the block and enable the DM NVX Director network appliance to access the endpoint, issue the following console command from the endpoint:
remblockedip all
The Save Domain dialog box opens. If additional endpoints were added to the domain, the dialog box indicates that the devices are being configured and assigned. To indicate that changes to the domain are saved, the dialog box indicates that the configuration is complete.
Save Domain Dialog Box - Complete
Click OK to close the dialog box.
Domain Control System
A single control system, referred to as the Global Control System, can be assigned to all domains simultaneously in the Control System section of the Device page. In addition, support of multiple control systems enables the Global Control System or another control system, referred to as a Domain Control System, to be assigned to each domain on an individual basis.
To assign a control system to a domain on an individual basis:
In the navigation bar, go to the desired domain and then click Control System.
Domain Control System
- Click one of the following radio buttons:
Use Global Control System: Enables the Global Control System specified in the Device > Control System section of the web interface to be used. When assigning control systems on an individual basis, the Global Control System can be used for one or more domains.
Use Domain Control System: Enables a control system other than the Global Control System to be used. If Use Domain Control System is selected, configure the following:
IPID: In the drop-down list, click the desired IP ID for the domain.
Address: Enter the IP address of the Domain Control System. The IP address must be different from the IP address of the Global Control System and must be unique for each domain.
Use Custom Endpoint IPID: Forces all connected DMNVX endpoint IP IDs to be configured locally. The IP ID of the DMNVX Director device will not be applied to any of the connected endpoints, and all endpoints will have to be configured manually.
CAUTION: Use this mode only if specifically required. Either Use Global Control System or Use Domain Control System will allow the DMNVX Director device to assign IP IDs more efficiently, and will save those IP IDs as part of the device configuration file. Losing communications to the DMNVX Director in either of these modes does not lead to losing communications with the connected endpoints. In Use Custom Endpoint IP ID mode:
The IP IDs of the individual devices are not saved in the DMNVX Director's configuration file.
Changing the device control mode back to one of the other modes will overwrite the locally set IP IDs of the endpoints.
Status indicates whether the control system is ONLINE or OFFLINE.