Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

for A the of Lee widow Jus a a by to the PAGE 2 THE CORPUS CHRISTI TIMES, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1935 at in 23 ot Italian Consuls Report After Jungle Trek orders to report at Addis Ababa for departure from Ethiopia, the caravan a and 1 Vinceuro, nears the capital after long trek through jungles and mountain Vinceuro, only woman in the party. Photographer gave them first news of opening of hostilities. (Central Press) Africa Fails To Absorb Europe's Extra Millions In 50-Year Colonization LONDON. Oct. 28- (UP) -Ethio DIR may not be the promised land for Italy's surplus population that Benito Mussolini thinks it would be, according to statistics published here.

These show that despite its fertitty, healthiness and richness in resources, European nations have not cad the in opening Africa to colonization that they might have had. According to statistics, the present European population of colonint Africa is just under three perper square mile, It is estimated that there are 3,500.000 Europeans 1 tr the 10.000,000 square miles of colonial Africa, which means that In the whole of its history it has acquired a European population no kreater than the Increase in the population of Italy in the last 10 veers. SOUTH AFRICA LEADS What more, of these 3,500,000 approximately 2,000.000 are elled in the Union of South Africa, including Southwest Africa, and another 1,200,000 alone the medlterranean littoral in Tunis, Algevia and Morocco, The remaining 309,000 are distributed over an area about 9,000,000 aquare miles. or of one European in every 30 square miles as follows: British West Attical. 8,000 British East Africa.

N. and S. Rhodesia, .64,000 Total British 104.000 French W. and Equatorial Africa 21,000 Madagascar .25,000 Total French 46.000 ARMISTICE DAY PROCLAIMED WASHINGTON. Oct.

P) Proclaiming November 11. as Armistice Day, President Roosevelt remarked to day that "It in particuTarly fitting on this anniversary the armistice that we should press our determination to remain at peace with all nations and our conviction that permanent peace can and must be attained throughout CONVICT CAPTURED LITTLE ROCK, Ark, Oct. 28 (P) State Police Superintendent Gray Albright announced today the are test Medford, Ore. of Curtis Dukes, 30, Arkansas escaped prisoner who wanted In two states for major crimes that include kidnaping, robbery and assault to kill. PIERSON TO ASYLUM Belgian Conga 26,000 Angola 45,000 Mozambique 20.000 .000 Ats of -at which to UNEMPLOYED ON DECREASE NEW YORK.

Oct. (P) The National Industrial Conference board estimates that unemployment during September decreased 3.9 per cent from August and 2.9 per cent from September of 1934. Aggregate estimates placed 110 employment at 10,393,000 in September. 1934. 9,852,000 In, August, 1935, and 9,466.000 in September, 1935.

-NO. 1- Continued From Page 1 force, it was expected, would swing to the east and join the other column in a combined offensive against Makale. On the southern front, the Italian advance from Somaliland continued uninterrupted. A communique issued in Rome said: "On the Somaliland front, trols of Dubats (native Somaliland soldiers put to flight groups of Ethiopians between Scillave armed: and Gorrahel. There have been 732 rifles captured." GORRAHEI OBJECTIVE Gorrahel is the Immediate ehjective in the southern sector before the Italians consolidate their forces the drive to Harar, the metropolis of eastern Ethiopia.

Airplanes soared over both the northern and southern fronts, seeking the locations of Ethiopian troops. An Exchange Telegraph (British) dispatch from the Somaliland front said Italian planes flown over Magalo, halt way to Addis Ababa. As 11 empire building armies continued theirs offensives, the League of Nations, pessimistic over the chances for an early peace. planned 11.8 campaign of sanctions against Italy. An official communique in Geneva showed 24 nations had notified the league they would participate In the nothing from Italy" boycott.

Officials of the league maid the of putting effect the pen alties against 11 Duce's government would be given to various committees of the league who would be held responsible. STAFF TO WATCH The general sanctiona staff of 52 nations will definitely lay down the machinery to watch the application and progress of the penalties. The in Geneva were over the chances of A.M Italo- Ethiopian peace conference at DOCTORS KNOW Mothers read this: THREE STEPS TO RELIEVING 1 CONSTIPATION A cleansing dose today; a smaller quantity tomorrow; less each lime, until bowels need no help at all. Why do people come home from a hospital with bowels, working like a well-regulated The answer 15. simple, and it's the answer to all your bowel worries if you will only realize it: many doctors and hospitals use liquid laxatives.

If you knew what a doctor knows, you would use only the liquid form. A liquid can always be taken in gradually reduced doses. Reduced dosage is the secret of any real relief from constipation. Ask a doctor about this. Ask your druggist how very popular liquid laxatives have become.

They give the right kind of help, and right amount of help. The liquid laxative generally used is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. It contains senna and cascara both natural laxatives that can form no habit, even in children. So, try Syrup Pepsin.

You just take regulated doses till Nature restores regularity. SNAP SHOTS They Do SAY That American typewriters are gainIng in popularity In Egypt. AND For Expert Photo Finishing Work take your Films to the McGregor Studio 1018 Chaparral Phone 589 Prompt Service Work Guaranteed High Class Portraits Prices Reasonable NE SELL FILMS Cameras Loaned FREE. the forth coming sessions of the league, which open Thursday, Premier Pierre Laval--who placed France definitely alongelde Britain and Russia in pledging full aid to sanctions, but who still seeks settlement of the East African conflict will go to Genera Thuraday, There, too, will be Sir Samuel Hoare, Britain's foreign secretary, and Captain Anthony Eden. the minister for League of Nation's affairs.

Laval and his foreign office aides studied closely the possibilities for renewing at Geneva the searching for formula of settlement; but elsewhere, there appeared little hopes. In London, there was the belief the diplomate Thursday might dincuss further punitive measures against 11 Duce, Of primary importance, the general sanctions staff will lay down the deadline for putting into effect the isolation of Italy- with prohibition on two way, porting key products and us "buy nothing from Italy" boycott. Both France and England imposed today the financial sanction against the Fascist aggressor. 50. Jeague members have put the financial sanction.

far, 20. Continued From Page 1 hospital, and officers said the man said he had been trying to find the hospital when the accident occurred. A short time afterward he collided with a truck on Leopard street. HERE SIX YEARS Persons, on Agnes atreet said they HaW the Brice truck with Brice in it and another man drivIng earlier in the evening. They said Brice was slumped over, apparently asleep, as the truck passed by a second time.

Brice had lived in Corpus Christi for six years, making his home, with his parents, Mr. and Mra. M. Brice, at 1716 Buford street. He survived by his parents, a brother, James Brice, and a sister, Mrs.

Gene Harris of ARua Dulce, Funeral services will he held at o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the David T. Peel funeral chapel. with the Rev. C. L.

Maxwell of the Taft Church of Christ ofdelating. Burial will be in Rose Hill cometery under direction of David Peel. Pall bearers will include Willis Black Robert Dunlap, Edward Gouger, Sidney Bitterman, D. Harris, Emmett. Norwood, BIll Cipher, Roy.

Lee Convers. OIL AGENTS AND DEALERS TO MEET district meeting of wholesale and retail agenta and dealers of the Magnolia Petroleum company. will be held at 9:30 o'clock tomorrow morning at the Nueces hotel, It was announced this morning by Thomaa H. Reazley, local Magnolia agent. The principal speaker will be C.

B. Kilpatrick, of San Antonio, diN. trict agent, who will discuss the company's business frem all anatom. Other Magnolia officials from the Dallas offices nre expected, said Mr. Beazley, Approximately agents and dealers over this aren are elated to attend this meeting, which will be followed by: a luncheon at the hotel.

SP LOSES ITS PROTEST AGAINST PAYING $25,000 WASHINGTON. Oct. The Southern Pacifie Rallway Co. Monday lost in Supreme Court pre est against paying $26.000 a warded by Lexie for the death of E. McKinley Tueumcourts carl.

Now. Mexico. The court refused to restew ruling of the Texas court of civil appeals the eighth supreme dicial district which approved an El Paso county distrtet Jury award to Robert McKinley, administrator of the MoGinley estate. The railroad diso lost ire battle against paying $24.000 to the four minor children Aland Ten Miller, killed February 20, 1984 at Tucumeari. Mainly About People Malcom B.

Bardwell, secretary to Representative Maury Maverick, and George Green, both of San Antonio, were visitors here yesterday. They came here to hear Representative R. M. Kleberg's Navy DA address and have returned homed They expect to be back next week to spend several days at the King ranch. DIRECTORS TO MEET The board of directors of the chamber of commerce will meet at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

It was announced by Jett Bell, manacer, Eighteen days after receiving of Italian consuls, Procho passes. Inset shows Mrs. Conscience Stricken Mrs. May Garland Adams (above) walked into Danville, police station and confessed murder of Albert Rudisill, Charlotte, N. 11871 found hanging to rafter of warehouse dressed in woman's four years ago.

She said conscience troubled her, (Central Press) CORPUS CHRISTI TO BE FEATURED SOON ON HAVANA STATION Corpus Christi has been selected from among few cities In the United States be featured on a radio broadcast by the Corporacion Nacional del of Havana, Cuba, according to a letter received this morning Jeff. Bell, manager of the chamber of commerce. from Juan Salbates, president of the corporation. Bell was requested to furnish the Havana radio company with data concerning Corpus, Chelatt to be used on this special broudeast. The date of the progran Wan not stated In the letter, but will be sent over both long and short wave radio.

The also stated that this letter Is demonstration of friendliness and good -will between the tiro cities, Deaths, Funerals ROMEO SOLIZ Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Gonzales Fits neral Home for Romeo Sella, 83, who died at his home; 808 Lester street. Sunday afternoon. Solis In survived. by his widow. him father and tour children.

Burial was in Holy Cross cemetery under direction of Juan Gonzales. Mon I'll say, this is a gude buy! Richter's Butter RITE. Krust The FLAVOR Il Duce -the Pilot When cares of state press heaviest, Premier Mussolini, shown landing at Rome, seeks relief among the clouds in his own plane. His sons, Bruno and Vittorio, are flying with bombing squadron at Ethiopian front. (Central Press) Public Records 117TH DISTRICT COURT Suits filed: Mrs.

De Witt Reed Securities Service corporation, suit on contract. C. C. Bank and Trust Co. VA.

H. R. Giles, et al, sult on note. Izetta Fitzhugh vs. Gerald Fitzhugh, suit for divorce.

28TH DISTRICT COURT Suits filed: Ira Lawson et alive. J. Wray, application for Injunction. MARRIAGE LICENSES John R. DeFord and Su Flo Long.

Felix L. Villerreal and Julia Perez. J. T. Kircher and Mary Christina Stock.

KIWANIS CLUB TO LONDON COMMUNITY A large delegation of Corpus Christi Kiwanians will attend the rural meeting of the club at the London school, this evening. when farmers and their wives of that community will be guests of the club, said Ralph Devine. secretary, this morning. A supper will be served at 6:30 o'clock, and brief talks will be made by members and leading farmers of that area. The usual Kiwanis meeting set for Wednesday at the Nueces has been postponed this week.

BOXER HANGED LONDON, Oct. mond Henry Bouquet, Winnipeg boxer known 2.8 Del Fontaine, was hanged today for the murder of Prudent business a carry fire insurance as a matter of course on their buildings, equipment and stock. To be consistent, prudent, ness men also carry personal accident insurance. Hilda Meeks, while opponents of capital punishment demonstrated outside Wandsworth prison. Italy has just boosted its sales tax on gasoline 62 per cent.

Expert Mechanical Repairs Wrecker Service Day or Night Phone 90 PLAZA GARAGE Adjoining Plaza Hotel Roy E. Box, Owner See I. M. ALEXANDER District Manager PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, Life--Health--Accident Legal Reserve Since 1868 Assets Over $205,000,000 QUALITY GLASSES AT A SAVING Let us prove to you that we can furnish you with glasses of high quality at a price you will find easy to pay. We featuring the same eye examination and fine quality lenses and frames that elsewhere will cost much more.

For are, example, beautiful rimless glasses as pictured above complete $8.00 SINGLE VISION OR $12.00 BI- -FOCAL We guarantee to duplicate broken lenses exactly as low as $1.50. DR. L. E. PABST, who was associated with the HALTOM OPTICAL COMPANY for the past year, Optometrist in charge of- Capitol Optical Co.

511 Starr St. Next to Post Office Phone 1434 Total Portuguese 65,000 Libya ....50,000 Eritrea and Italian Somaliland 6,000 Total Italian 56,000 Grand Total 297.000 It was in the 1880's that Europeans began to recognize the first, possibilities of Africa. Britain got head start in the scramble for territory, but France was a close second, and Germany was not far behind. GERMAN FIGURES SHOWN What these countries have done with territory acquired Is shown by statistica. Germany, for In stance, obtained German East Africa.

Southwest Africa, Cameroons and Togoland, comprising nearly 3,000,000 square miles. Yet after a quarter of a century, in 1911. Germany's great Afflean empire contained only 15,891 Germans, 1s case even more illuminating. The northern part of Eritrea Includes a considerable area which similar to the Ethlopian highlands. It might be supposed that it Italy were to colonize these highlands, the nation would, in the course.

of the past 50 years, have begun with rehearsal fit the Eritrean uplands, CLUSTERED IN CITY Statistics show. however. that on April 21, 1931, there were in Eritrea 4,560 Europeans, Including 4,188 Italians. No fewer than 3,057 were residents of the capital, ANThe mara. number of Italians tocated in about 2,000 square miles of the highlands most suitable for colonization was about To take a purely hypothetical case.

Suppose Italy colonized the habitable portion of Ethiopiaabout 200,000 square onehalt the density of the Transvaal and Natal, which, with a European population of about the square mile, is by far the most densely colonized region the Atrican continent. This would give Italy 600.000 colonists, equivalent to about one and a half year's increase of Italian population. The figures are generous, Net It appears they would not help much toward relieving Italy of "teeming millions." AUSTIN, Texas. Oet. (P) Howard Plerson, slaver of his parents, today was committed to the Austin hospital for the Insane.

Priced PARTS, Oct. Harold Farquhar, British diplomat and Fritz Reiler, German aviator, landed at Lie Bourget. field today after flight trom Mexico City by way of Asia and Africa. CADET KILLED FLIER IN PARIS SAN ANTONIO. Tex.

Oct. 29-UP The of an army plane three miles north killed flying Cadet Rhee east of Cibolo Harris and Injured Lieut. Walter 8. Lee. 31.

Randolph field Instructor. MAIL CARRIER HELD WACO. Oct. 28 W. A.

Cotten. Jr. star route mail carrier. WAR arrested today and charged with theft of $9,600. from the mail he WAR carrying from Waco to Mart October 10.

Nearly 250,000 pilgrims have visited World war battleields in France In the last 12 months. More than 8.000,000 pounds of cigarettes were smoked in the Irish Free State in the last year. Young people of England have started movement for shorter church services. 1'se ot horns or bells on automobiles has been henned in (pore, Straits Settlements, LIGHTAN OLD GOLD for young ideas "PRIZE that Old CROP" Golds contain the the finest choicest obtainable that TurkWe and GUARANTEE tobaccos fine grown; old tobaccos Gold can cigarettes. ish Only such of Old at any price.

and fragrance natural aroma ESTABLISHED 1760 Ine. P. Lorillard Stimulating. NEVER IRRITATING the world." Priced LOW Terms to Suit YOU 10 TUBE RCA VICTOR $29.95 6 Tube 1935 PHILCO 5 Tube Battery 1935 PHILCO $34.50 11 PHILCO Tube 1935 $75.00 8 Tube MAJESTIC $14.50 9- tion Tube MAJESTIC $32.45 Frank Mayer Co. PHILCO RCA VICTOR Ground Floor Nixon Bldg.

Phone 3636 WHISKEY STRAIGHT Slimight SOTTED At THE Distill roam of ONE PINT RICh SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC REW PORK. FRANKFORT SCHENLEY'S Cream of Kentucky stands head and shoulders above others in Kentucky. Test its extra deliciousness in a highball! This Mark of Merit on every bottle of Schenley', Cream of Kentucky is your absolute assurance of delicious quality and the utmost in value. Schenley's Cream of Kentueky in Kentucky straight whiskey made in Kentucky by Kentucky distillers the real old Kentucky way, TRY IT! af bee R. 00.


Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

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