Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)

I CORPUS CHRISTI TIMES, Wednesday, Jan. 5, Panama To Offer $50,000 Reward Assembly To Approve Payment for Tip on Killers of President Remon By LUIS NOLI PANAMA (P- Panama is expected to offer $50.000 for information leading to the killers of President Jose Antonio Remon. The government also has asked the National Assembly for another $50,000 for investigation expenses. The Assembly unanimously approved the first reading yesterday of an administration bill authorizing the payments. Final passage was believed certain, probably Thursday.

Authorities said identification of the weapons used in the Remon slaying implicated ex President Arnulfo Arias, one of 66 persons arrested. Guns Are Same Secret Police Chief Jorge Luis- Lyle Predicts Easier Year For President Despite Democratic control, President Eisenhower will have an easier time in the 84th Congress than he has ever had, John E. Lyle said here yesterday. Lyle, retiring as U. S.

Representative from the 14th Congressional District, said the reason is the President will have the better leadership, experience and understanding of all the political maturity of the Democratic Party. He said Democrats are closer in mind and spirit with the program the President has recommended during the past two years. He predicted the budget will not be balanced, the agriculture program will not change much and reiprocal trade agreements will be extended for another year. Immediately after he spoke at a meeting of the Lions Club, Lyle left for Washington to heart the President's "State of the Union" message which is to be a delivered tomorrow. John J.

Bell, of Cuero, is succeeding Lyle as congressman. Housing Authority Sells $88,000 in Notes The Corpus Christi Housing Authority yesterday sold $88.000 worth of temporary notes to the Chemical Corn Exchange Bank of New York. The firm's bid on .86 percent interest was the only one submitted. The notes are for a one year term. The authority originally obtained government financing and two years ago began refinancing on public market lower interest rates.

All outstanding notes and bonds are now in the hands of private banks and investors, a housing spokesman said. Ike, Truman Invited UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (P) The United Nations is going to ask both President Eisenhower and former President Truman to address the 10th anniversary assembly the international organization plans to hold in San Francisco next June, informed sources report. I Coor. 1904 by The Chicago Tetherine IS "State of emergency in the kitchen BUSINESS MIRROR Persons in Mid-50s Housing Boom Factor NEW YORK (P- -Are you discour aged at 40, or 45, or 50? Take heart.

You're a powerful groundswell in the housing market -statistically, that is. This is something new. For years, "Youth must be served" has been the moito of the homebuilding industry. The returning veteran and his young bride formed the tidal wave of postwar housing demand. 9 Million Sales Since V-J Day more than nine million Americans bought homes.

About million GI Joans been granted. Before most of these GI privileges end July 25, 1957, it's estimated another five million will be used. That's the big brassy music on housing bandwagon--but a new land significant overtone has been Estranged Husband Jailed In Slaying of Army Man WHITE HALL, Jan. 5. (AP) A 43-year-old Army corporal, visiting a mother of six children, was fatally shot last night and sheriff's officials seized her estranged husband in connection with the shooting.

Sheriff Fred Ballard of Greene County said Cpl. Richard A. Suttles, in the regular Army for 17 years, was shot when he went outside the home of Mrs. Rose Seymour, 42, to investigate noises. He died in a White Hall hospital hours later.

Ballard said Mrs. Seymour told him her husband, Lawrence, 58. who lives next door to her, fired one shot from a 20 gauge shotgun when he met Suttles outside her home. The sheriff said Mrs. Seymour told him she heard no conversation between Suttles and her a shot." The sheriff quoted Mrs.

Seymour as saying her husband told her: "Get back in the house or you'll get the same." Seymour, who is unemployed, was picked up by sheriff's officers and state police shortly after the shooting and taken to the Greene County Jail in nearby Car- alfaro said guns of the same type, German-made Schmeisser 9-mm. machine guns, have been confiscated on 1 previous occasions from Arias, who was ousted from the presidency in 1951 in a bloody coup by the national guard. Remon was head of the guard at that time. Shortly after Remon, 46, was machine-gunned Sunday at the Juan Franco race track, Arias was arrested at his coffee plantation 300 miles west of the capital. He apparently still is being held there.

Other suspects were still being picked up. President Jose Ramon Guizado, who was sworn in early Monday, asked Washington to let FBI asked Washington to let FBI agents help in the hunt. American officials said U.S. law prohibits such a foreign assignment. Guizado served as first vice president and foreign minister under Remon, who was elected in 1952 for a four-year term.

Maintains Watch The national guard maintained a close watch on the nation's borders as a part of its search for the killers. Panama City itself appeared generally normal but guardsmen were checking all cars approaching the airport. Police early today began stopping some automobiles in the streets, apparently in search of a particular car. Guards around the national palace wore battledress and carried carbines, instead of their usual clubs. Depite the government's declaration of a 10-day state of siege -a modified form of martial law which suspended certain constitutional guarantees no censorship has been put into effect.

rollton. Ballard said he will be charged with murder. Two of Seymour's six children, who range in age from 3 to 18 years, were asleep in their mother's home when the shooting occurred. Their oldest child, Charles, is in the Army. The others have been living with their father since the parents separated.

Ballard said Suttles, who had lived in in White Hall before ing the Army, had arrived in his home few days ago to visit a brother in Charles Macmillan. He was on a 17-day leave, which was to end Jan. 14, from his post at Fort Belvoir, Va. White Hall is a town of about 3,000 population, 40 miles southwest of Springfield. The Best Is None Too Good Eigin-Hamilton-Illinois and Waltham watches -all styles, prices to fit budget 29.75 and up, and are all good American watches.

kinds of QUALITY Jewelry, both antique and modern-jewelry you won't find elsewhere. SEE DIAMOND FOR DIAMONDS 423 PEOPLES STREET AGAIN IN CARPET ends, 9 and 12 ft. and many others all REGULAR 69.50 9 12, Cotton, 69.50 12, 98.50 9 166.00 12 13, 182.95 8'6" 159.50 12 129.00 12 16, 119.00 9 120.00 12x 42.00 9 7, Cotton, 142.50 12 13, 159.00 12 72.00 7'10 11, 126.00 9 21, Cotton, -SHOWN NUELES N. CHAPARRAL LAUGHING MATTER added by a solid segment of demand by. oldsters with cash in their jeans.

Home builders should sit up and take notice of this important fact: there are 7,414100 folks over 40 compared with 47,682,900 between 20 and 40. More than 20 years have been added to life expectancy since 1900, according to the National Office of Vital Statistics. Easier living, medical discoveries, steadier incomes from social security, pensions and annuities have made older people livelier customers. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York reports that even at 65 there are 34 persons working out of every 100.

If you're 40 you have a life expectancy of 33 more years. At statistics say you'll probably hit 76. So, from the housing viewpoint, it seems worthwhile to make yourself comfortable for the big remainder of your years. The National Association of Home Builders quoted recently from a survey of people over 40 conducted by the magazine Life time Living. This survey showed that 45.6 per cent of these people, even though their average age was in the mid50s, planned to build or buy new homes.

Higher Bracket Income Can they afford to? The NAHB says income is generally in the highest bracket for people between 45 and 54. The survey showed that 80.5 percent already owned homes. Most of them have about paid up their mortgages if they're in their mid-50s, SO they have resources for a big down payment. Uptown Kiwanis Club Installation Thursday Officers and directors of Uptown, Kiwanis Club for 1955 will be installed at a dinner dance at 7 o'clock tomorrow night at the Privateers Country, Club. Wives and friends of members and officers and members of other Kiwanis Clubs in the area are to attend.

Louis Wehmeyer is to succeed Jack Estes as president of Uptown Kiwanis. Other officers are Curtis Britton, first vice president, William H. Bloch, second vice Art Classes To Resume The Thursday Sketch Class will resume its weekly sessions this week at Centennial Museum after the Christmas-New Year holidays, Mrs. C. S.

Reagan, class publicity chairman, said. The class is held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each Thursday at the museum. Mrs.

F. M. Caully is replacing Mrs. A. M.

Gilbert, who recehtly moved away from Corpus Christi, as instructor in landscapes and Mrs. A. J. Hoffman will teach still life in oils. Other instructors are Mrs.

E. J. Patterson and Mrs. Fred Kluth, portraits; E. R.

Raasch, water colors; Mrs. S. Whitefield, pastels, and Mrs. Cecil Brown, drawing. About 50 artists of all ages attend the class each week, Mrs.

Reagan said. Additional enrollments are accepted each classday. Warehouse Burns At San Marcos SAN MARCOS, Jan. 5. (AP) -A loss of several hundred thousand dollars was estimated by firemen after a blaze destroyed a warehouse here last night.

The fire which destroyed the Kreuz Milling and Grain Co. wool and mohair consignment warehouse broke out while San Marcos' volunteer and regular firemen held their annual banquet. In less than two hours the building was reported a total loss. Smoke from the blaze drove residents from their homes as far as a quarter mile away. No injuries were reported among firemen or the crowd of 1,000 persons that gathered to watch the fire.

Helps Heal and Clear ITCHY ECZEMA Zemo antiseptic promptly relieves itching of surface eczema and skin rashes. It stops scratching aids faster healing. Buy Extra for stubborn cases. Strength Zemo zemo WE RENT SELL Texas' largest rentals sales POWER TOOLS Save time and money by doing it yourself. We have power tools for nearly every job of building, remodeling, etc.

We rent sell power lawnmowers, floor sanders, disc-belt-vibrator sanders, electric hammers and drills. Electric saws, electric concrete mixers, pavement breakers, garden tractors, wheelbarrows, power post -hole diggers, paint sprayers, plumbing tools, water pumps, countless others. We cut and thread pipe, sharpen hand circle saws. Repair small electric appliances. Make keys.

306 S. Staples GUARANTEE HARDWARE CO. Ph 4-0381 OUR ANNUAL REMNANT width-shown in cotton and wool- Famous name brands. Bigelow, perfects. Just look at these values.

COMPARE THESE PRICES! high pile, beige All-Wool, axminster, figured All-wool, Bigelow, ripple twist, green All-wool, axminster, Bigelow, ripple twist, green All-wool, cord ripple twist, green Cotton, high pile, gray Cord, ripple twist, green. Cotton, looped pile, green. high pile, looped pile, green. Cotton, high pile, beige Embossed, axminster, beige high pile, Many, many others too numerous to mention IN OUR CHAPARRAL ST. STORE FURNITURE Months to Pay With No Interest or Carrying Charge president; Marshal Pearce, secretary, and Herbert Renken, treasurer, Newly elected directors are Orval Ponder, the Rev.

G. S. Meyer, Harold Cooper, Henry O. Sch. lenk, John Boeye, and Paul Crandall.

Remaining on the board are T. G. Allen, LeRoy Roberts and Richard Webdell. A special guest at the installation will be Sidney Wells of Roscoe, Texas, who was a charter member and second president of the then named North Beach Kiwanis' Club. A.

M. Weatherly of Odem, lieutenant governor of Division Four of Kiwanis, is to be installing officer. Dr. Byron Coward will be master of ceremonies, Estes will review the past year of club activity. Wehmeyer will give a preview of the coming year.

Cecil Proctor, past lieutenant governor of the division, will make a division report. Perfect attendance pins are to be awarded. Entertainment will include a show of magic by Dub Smothers. Jig Adams' band will play for dancing. L.W.O.

Janssen M.D. Announces the removal of his offices to Suite 44, Medical Center 2444 Morgan St. DR. E. H.

WATERS Optometrist 4703 UpRiver or Shell Road Examinations: Corpus Christi Fri. and Sat. Call 2-1191 Examinations: Falfurrias Wed. and Thurs. Call 674 WILDCAT Well Logging Service will appreciate our careful, courteous, conscientious service.

ALICE, TEXAS INTERESTED in more INTEREST? Great Western Demand able cates Sate. purchase. at of from Sure. any Trust date Profit- Cash- time. pay of able.

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GREAT WESTERN LOAN TRUST CO. 301 No. Mesquite Christi, Texas Corpus SALE Alexander Smith, Mas- NOW 39.50 48.50 49.50 $109.50 $129.50 99.50 87.50 79.50 65.00 29.50 55.00 94.50 44.50 69.50 ONLY- CO. 1807 AYERS Shop 9:30 to phone 4-2871 Your Home-Owned Store for. 80 Years here's how to tie a "Beau" Sew his Tie, your Dress of BATES Disciplined COTTON solids prints 1.29 yd.

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Adjustable from 7 to With handy pin cushion. Notions Third Floor Save Now! You'll be off to a good sewing start with a WHITE SEWING MACHINE NOW 57.25 reg. 114.50 price Sewing will be even more enjoyable when you use this White sewing machine with full-size head, in gleaming walnut cabinet. Also you get the ABC sewing course. Imagine all this for such a low, low price.

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Corpus Christi Times from Corpus Christi, Texas (2024)
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Name: Eusebia Nader

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